Reflection of the course

Echo Lin
Design Thinking Spring
2 min readMay 5, 2024

In this Design Thinking course, I’ve gained a profound understanding of the iterative design process, which emphasizes empathy, ideation, and prototyping. A specific example that illustrates this learning is our team project, where we developed an app aimed at helping NYU students gain real-life experience. Through empathy mapping, we identified key student needs such as the desire for personalized job recommendations and opportunities for hands-on projects. This insight was pivotal in shaping our design strategy.

Another significant takeaway was the importance of rapid prototyping. During one class activity, we created multiple prototypes in a short period, which allowed us to quickly gather user feedback and refine our ideas. This iterative process of making, testing, and adjusting taught me the value of agility and responsiveness in design, skills that are highly applicable in my future career in product development.

Looking forward, I am intrigued by the potential of integrating technology more deeply into the design thinking process. Tools like AI-driven data analysis could dramatically enhance how we gather and interpret user data, leading to even more user-centric product designs. I plan to explore how digital tools can be leveraged to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of design thinking methodologies, potentially as part of my graduate studies.

This course has not only equipped me with practical design skills but also inspired me to continually adapt and apply these methods across various aspects of my professional and personal life.

