Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage?

Chunyan Gu
Design Thinking Spring
3 min readApr 16, 2024

Roger Martin is a globally recognized strategic management thinker known for his insights and insights. His book “Business Design: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage” focuses on the concept of design thinking and its significance in today’s business.

Our traditional way of thinking is often linear, that is, identify a problem, set goals, develop a plan, and solve it. However, many problems in our lives are multifaceted and complex, and traditional thinking methods are not enough to solve them. Design thinking is the third thinking mode that takes into account both reliability and effectiveness, stability and change, present and future. The innovative methods it provides can help us solve the changes and uncertainties of problems. So, firstly, I want to learn more about design thinking by reading this book to understand how to create products, services, and experiences that resonate with target customers in simulated enterprises, and continue to improve our group’s application software to relieve graduate stress. Second, this book focuses on theoretical knowledge. By studying the concepts and case studies presented in the book, I can gain a deeper understanding of the human-centered design thinking principles. This knowledge can be effectively applied to classroom situations, allowing me to solve problems more thoroughly and creatively.

When I first browsed this book, I was struck by the continuing importance of design thinking in business strategy, and how timely and relevant the book still is for today’s strategies. In the context of digital transformation, many enterprises are building a culture of innovation and flexibility to cope with future challenges. Design thinking is not only a methodology, but also a cultural transformation that helps companies achieve cultural changes and gain competitive advantage.

Among them, several views impressed me deeply. The first is the importance of designers entering business units and involving design thinking in day-to-day operations. The cleaning company introduced design thinking in 2011, integrated the design function into the organization, took into account innovation and efficiency, and planned to achieve breakthroughs. Based on the original focus group method for market research, the cleaning company spent more time conducting one-on-one interviews with users to gain a deeper understanding of customers’ deep needs. This reminds me of the class we were in when we were creating an app to relieve graduate stress. Although the general responses from the questionnaire provided a general framework for the model we created, we used one-on-one surveys to revise the details. The program can be made more responsive to consumer needs and fundamentally address the underlying concerns behind consumer experience. At the same time, design thinking ensures a user-centric approach that ultimately improves user engagement and customer retention in the long run. Therefore, integrating design into the organizational DNA is of great significance to organizational development.

Secondly, I further realized that when facing difficult problems, it is more important to pay attention to and understand the essence of the problem than to find solutions to the problem. This helps to understand the problem in depth, more accurately understand the causes, patterns and other factors that cause the problem, and prevent the problem from recurring to improve problem handling capabilities. This also made me realize that in the model of alleviating graduation stress, I focused more on finding temporary ways to relieve stress for stressed people, such as skiing, watching movies, etc., but ignored solving the real source of their stress, which is employment pressure. ,studying pressure. If I could add solutions to employment stress or academic stress to the model, I could achieve lasting and long-term stress relief. Therefore, seeing the essence of the problem clearly helps to draw inferences within a certain range and effectively solve more difficult problems.

In our lives, there are many examples of applying design thinking to daily life, such as vending machines that can be seen everywhere. Developers fully understand the needs of customers and realize the advantages of convenience and profitability through innovative operating models.

In short, after reading The Design of Business: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage?, I realize more clearly that humanism and creativity are one of the key factors that drive business success. This book not only discusses the theory of design thinking in detail, but also has important guiding significance in practice in the business field.

