August Design To Be Events

Impactful experiences designed to create empowerment and inspiration

Rachel Weissman
Design To Be
Published in
4 min readAug 7, 2020


If you’re new to learning about Design To Be, first, welcome! We’re a community that elevates designers to become empowered, educated, and effective using EQ-based tools and practices. Our goal is to help designers discover and keep a fresh perspective. We do this through building community, offering events, and guiding self-inquiry.

How our August events came To Be

Upon completing copious amounts of research to understand what makes a great designer, we learned there is a consensus across the design industry that investing in your soft skills, or EQ, is vital to being an excellent designer. The hard skills are what is expected. Your EQ, or soft skills, is what will make you stand out. ⁣

We then grouped these skills into similar categories. The groups with the most data mapped with 3 vital skills: curiosity, resilience, and fulfillment. This is how we created our August events:⁣ Design To Be Curious, Design To Be Resilient, and Design To Be Fulfilled.

Each 75-minute virtual event includes large and small group conversations, self-inquiring writing prompts, guided meditation, and connection. If you’re a designer who’s looking to feel empowered and inspired to form a more effective design process, these events are for you. We’re offering single tickets to each event as well as an August Event Pass. You can learn more about each event below.

Reserve an August Event Pass

Design To Be Curious

Tuesday, August 11 • 5:30–6:45 PM PT
Led by: Design To Be Founder, Rachel Weissman

Curiosity is foundational to building EQ. It blends awareness with motivation to form a perspective rooted in abundance to effectively grow your career.

In Design To Be Curious, you’ll learn how to weave curiosity throughout your design process. This 75-minute virtual event will include conversation, meditation, and connection to provide answers to these questions:

  • When designing, what makes me think? What inspires me? What interests me? And, why are these important to me?
  • What habits or routines can start or change to increase my curiosity?
  • How can I practice curiosity throughout my design process?

As a curious designer, your ability to create will shift. You’ll ask more insightful questions. You’ll constantly seek to learn more. You won’t impulsively push away. Instead, you’ll turn inward to discover a newfound sense of inspiration. Are you ready to be this curious designer?

Reserve your spot

Design To Be Resilient

Tuesday, August 18 • 5:30–6:45 PM PT
Led by: Design To Be Founder, Rachel Weissman

Nothing beats receiving praise and cheer for your work, but what happens when people start to pick apart your design and notice things you never considered. Instead of becoming defensive, a great designer is resilient.

In Design To Be Resilient, you’ll learn how to incorporate unwavering resilience into your design process. This 75-minute virtual event will include conversation, meditation, and connection to provide answers to these questions:

  • At what point in the design process, do you feel that your skills or efforts are devalued?
  • How is your work impacted by these different experiences?
  • What techniques can you learn to increase your capacity to become a resilient designer?

As a resilient designer, you trust the process. You aren’t overwhelmed amidst difficulties because you’re confident you’ll learn from each career experience. Ultimately, your vulnerability makes you invincible. Are you ready to be this resilient designer?

Reserve your spot

Design To Be Fulfilled

Tuesday, August 25 • 5:30–6:45 PM PT
Led by: Design To Be Founder, Rachel Weissman

There are many aspects to our job as designers. While you don’t have to love each and every piece, in order to be truly fulfilled in your career, it’s essential to uncover your superpower.

In Design To Be Fulfilled, you’ll learn to identify opportunities and develop the confidence to pursue them. This 75-minute virtual event will include conversation, meditation, and connection to provide answers to these questions:

  • Why are you a designer?
  • When in your design process do you feel most prosperous?
  • How can I lean into this insight to effectively craft my career?

As a fulfilled designer, you are present and patient. You realize fulfillment is an ongoing experiment refined by curiosity, honesty, gratitude, and self-compassion. You’re aware of the uniqueness that drives you to create. Ultimately, you remove pieces that no longer serve you to lean into which makes you feel alive. Are you ready to be this fulfilled designer?

Reserve your spot

Have any questions or interested in learning more?

Send us a note at or check us out at or follow along on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

We’re excited to see you at our upcoming events!



Rachel Weissman
Design To Be

Interaction Designer @ Google • Founder @ Design To Be • Meditation & Yoga Teacher •