Welcome to Design To Be

A community that elevates designers to become empowered, educated, and effective using EQ-based tools and practices.

Rachel Weissman
Design To Be
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2020



We know it’s essential to fine-tune our craft in order to lead or create a real impact. What most of us don’t focus on is our relationship to the craft itself. Throughout the design process, we might experience creative blocks, burnout, overwhelm, or conflict with team members or stakeholders.

Design To Be aims to change that by helping to grow your EQ by weaving curiosity, resilience, fulfillment, and more into your process. Our goal is to help designers discover and keep a fresh perspective. We do this through building community, offering events, and guiding self-inquiry.

Emotional intelligence or EQ

The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically (1).

You learned design history, theory, and tools from mentors and teachers. Now, it’s time to learn how to inquire, dream, navigate, and lead from the true teacher: yourself.

As designers, we love to do. We love to create. We love to reinvent. We love to uncover new solutions. What will make these creations, inventions, and solutions even more effective and unique are when we learn how To Be.

Welcome to Design To Be.

Interested in learning more?

Check us out at designtobe.com or follow along on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.



Rachel Weissman
Design To Be

Interaction Designer @ Google • Founder @ Design To Be • Meditation & Yoga Teacher • www.racheldweissman.com