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Sometimes the World Is Just Black and White

AIGA Los Angeles
Design Toast
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2020


I am brokenhearted. In 2020, racism still rears its head in our society. It feels like so many of us live a carefree life, but we were in the dark, and suddenly, someone turned on the light. We can finally see the ugly truth — that racism is real in the United States of America.

Think of all of the great designers of our time. If someone is a great designer, is the color of their skin important? It should not be, but we know the reality is that for Black people, the color of their skin can be the difference between success and failure, between life, and death.

left to right: Damian Kłaczkiewicz, Erendida Mancilla, Yossi Lemel.

Martin Luther King Jr. stated that this ignorance of racism is a dangerous and deadly thing. It is an illness in our society, and sometimes it feels we are a long way from finding a cure. What kind of an antidote can humanity invent to try to heal this plague?

left to right: Oktay Barkin, Damian Kłaczkiewicz, Dominik Jakubowski.
left to right: Nicos Terzis, Mario Fuentes‎, Martin Mendelsberg.

These things that make us different should be the objects of admiration rather than causes for resentment and hatred. It is these differences that make us all so unique and so beautiful. I wish more people could see that beauty as well as the similarities that make us all one race.

Though this is painfully hard and challenging, I want to help us progress by sharing some compelling examples of how designers from different countries view this topic of racism.

left to right: Luis Yañez, Fred Garcia-Sanchez, Damian Kłaczkiewicz.

The poster is a powerful art form: not only is it a way for artists to tell the world what they feel about an issue, but it’s also a powerful tool that can start a discussion, spark a revolution, could bring peace and make the world better.

left to right: Yossi Lemel, He Huang, Gilles Dupuis.

Don’t Miss Your Chance.

It is time for a change! Posters on Politics is extending the call to open conversations with artists and designers about racism and Injustice. With the racial history in the United States of America and the current civil unrest and movements happening in American streets, I’d like to see more American designers share their views. By creating and submitting posters on racism and injustice, you can spark a conversation and initiate action with your friends, your friends’ friends, and beyond.

Poster on Politics competition is founded by Donna Jackson — an African American artist and designer. This is not just a political cause, this difficult issue is personal for her. I’m glad to be a part of this project, and I’d like to invite all of you to participate in making this world a more tolerant place.

Written and curated by Olga Severina.

Olga is an exhibition curator and graphic designer residing in Los Angeles, California. Having a passion for the graphic arts, Olga Severina founded PosterTerritory initiative that became a launching platform for contemporary art shows and poster exhibitions in the US and abroad. Under its umbrella, she curates graphic art campaigns that tackle a variety of social issues and feature artworks by some of the biggest names in the international design community.



AIGA Los Angeles
Design Toast

Los Angeles Chapter of AIGA. Empowering the local creative community.