Twitter Archive: Email User Experience

Part of an ongoing experiment that I’m calling reverse-social media

Design Tuesdays
1 min readAug 16, 2019


I’ve found it easy to write short snippets about my experiences on social media. Sadly, social media isn’t well organised and is virtually un-searchable. So now, I’m creating a curated archive of sorts, taking related snippets I’ve put ‘out there’ from different points of time for my stories on Medium and my personal blog. This one’s about my love-hate relationship with email.

The good

The rare times when I achieve Inbox Zero.

The bad

This is most of the time — at any given point of time, I have over 2000 emails. Then I binge delete older emails to trim it down to 1000, and the cycle repeats!

The downright ugly

When you’re automatically signed up for a service you never even knew existed. No words for such despicable behaviour. (Actually, I do have many words. And none of them are good.)

Fighting off such mails seems like a losing battle…

And finally, to end on a happier note

Those inbox cluttering emails that you wish you didn’t get, but didn’t mind because they had a cat / dog picture.

If you’re interested, I have also written ‘proper’ stories related to email user experience:



Design Tuesdays

Former Editorial Team Lead, Interaction Design Foundation. Storyteller, Sustainability crusader, Slightly Eccentric