Color meanings

A quick guide to color psychology

Lucas Almeida
Design, UI and shenanigans


So, I've put some keywords for each color based on a research for the meaning of them. Here's the result:


Passion, love, rebellion, power and excitement.


Summer, retro, mellow, friendly and inviting.


Happiness, cheer, fun, energetic, young and friendly.


Environment, nature, profit, growth and trust.


Peace, calm, intelligence, freedom, royalty, progress and trust.


Royalty, mysticism, romance, elegance and style.


Tradition, earthy, cottage and colonial.

The thing about mixing colors is fantastic. For example, if you mix the peace of blue and the excitement of red, you'll get movement in monotony, antagonistic concepts where one completes another and vice versa. The resultant color is Purple and the resultant concept is mysticism, mystery and even spiritual (religions).



Lucas Almeida
Design, UI and shenanigans

Designer de interfaces e desenvolvedor front-end. Pós-graduado em Direção de Arte Multimídia e Desenvolvimento Web.