Categorizing photos in Instagram. Simple idea.

From experience of constantly using a product.

2 min readNov 1, 2013

Its pretty obvious, more time you spend on Instagram, the bigger your gallery grows. At some point, when reaching 300+ photos one might find lack of categorizing (by collections, albums, sets or any other way) very unhandy.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to overcomplicate the experience.
I’m absolutely behind the idea of simplicity for each and every product. Yet, I think photo managing experience in Instagram can still be improved, using the right approach.

I believe categorizing can be implemented in a simple way, staying within interface borders

By using existing Hashtags principle. As users have already performed quite a job on distinguishing their shots by variety of tags. So, why not dig deeper on that.

Let me explain…

We already have two methods of filtering photos under Users profile page — by “location” and by “photos of you”. I suggest adding one more — by “hashtags”.

“Hashtags tab” will become a collection of tags that are constantly being used by a particular user. Sorting of those tags can be performed by popularity (amount of photos under each tag).

It can work as simple as this:

Tap Hashtag button — Pick hashtag — You’re in

It will also become much easier to identify what any user is up to frequently, and will refresh overall hashtags experience.

One more simple thing.

I will ask. Is it really that useful to have Likes/Comments/Follows all of that under one tab?

I believe any user (especially with a bunch of followers) will find it extremely useful to have Comments on a separate tab.

Seems like a better way to keep up with those… don’t you think?

Seek perfection in whatever you pursue!

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