John Nolan -Founder of Ghost

Ghost is out and amazing

One of the most anticipated blogging tool on the web is out, however, is this a WordPress waiting to happen?

Winston Huxley
3 min readOct 17, 2013


Well it’s out, it’s everything I could ever hope for, it’s a simple tool for blogging, theming it for the sake of branding, is easy as pie using handlebars to control your layout. It was love at first sight when I first read, “just a blogging platform”. Moments after its public launch, enthusiastic geeks (such as me) are constantly studying what this platform can become, and just like wordpress, the possibilities are limitless imho.

Many ideas, suggested by the masses, started to circle around this fresh meat that could possibly deviate what Ghost was supposed to be, “just a blogging platform”. There are talks about making it a full-blown CMS to take wordpress’s place. Ideas of “widgets” and “plugins” were also mentioned, and the SEO sharks are swimming towards having an SEO plugin written for Ghost….


Remember when wordpress served the idea of “just a blogging tool” and look at the state of wordpress today. It’s over-bloated, performance is not great, a lot of web designers who do not want to code turn to the wordpress ways: get a theme, tweak the crap out of it, install this & that plugins, then plugins break because of wordpress version incompatibility. Then wordpress became an SEO thing (God help us…). Wordpress was running in all directions, and it became a popular choice by the masses, used by agencies and freelancers everywhere. Wrap a site with it, deploy it, call it a CMS, and hopefully the client knows what he/she is doing with the wordpress dashboard.

Imho, wordpress is a back-end nightmare, it’s not clean, not semantic, it’s just dirty. Especially using the wysiwyg editor. Why do people use it? Because it is easy.

So back to our newborn baby Ghost. Like any parent fostering a new child of the world, I worry. I am worried that Ghost might become wordpress, and it will be “just another wordpress-like platform powered with node.” I hope those SEO sharks won’t create a fuss about “HOW TO OPTIMIZE/IMPLEMENT SUPER AMAZEBALLS SEO BLABLABLA WITH GHOST??” (unfortunately, this is a hot topic at the moment)

I have one thing to say to the guys that worked extra hard for Ghost: Stay true. You’re not wordpress, and you’re awesome because you’re not wordpress.

ps: I do not hate wordpress, I rather not work on wordpress stuff, because I think wordpress is not the all-dancing, the all singing monkey of the fucking world wide web, and whomever suggested that wordpress is such things, well…. (insert any painful method of self colonoscopy)

ps: I still think the SEO industry is bullshit. And to whomever asks about SEO plugins for Ghost, remember Ghost is a foundation built for writers that actually write, it is the platform of today and tomorrow for journalism, it is all about content, CONTENT IS KING, GOOD CONTENT IS KING. “If you write it, they will read it”


