The UX Design does not exist

Luca Mascaro
2 min readNov 4, 2013

The experience is the the direct knowledge of the reality gained through involvement, exposure, observation and use. In other words, Experience is what people go through when they interact with the world and derive information from it. Experience is personal and plural: there are many experiences as are the individuals.

So experience can’t be precisely determined beforehand.

We cannot design experiences, we design artifacts and systems that generate experiences at the time that people interact with them. The knowledge we have of human behavior helps us to foresee some outcomes, which are probable, but not completely certain.

Experiences can be analyzed, understood, modified and even improved and evolved into new forms that turn out to be more useful, simple, and pleasant. Experiences themselves lead our work as designers.

The UX designer is therefore a person who is able to take the “experience point of view” of the service or the product he has to design which may differ from both the user’s and the client’s. The designer can understand the contexts as well as people’s behaviors, read trends and combine all these information with the client’s goals to lead experiences that go beyond people’s expectations.

As designers, our goal should be to improve people’s life, not in a absolute way but only in relation to those services and products they interact with. We should focus on the quality to the user experience, not on the product nor the interface.

That’s the reason why we declare that we do not design the experience, but we design for it.



Luca Mascaro

CEO @sketchin. Passionate of japanese culture in my spare time.