Florian Cramer Post-Digital Aesthetics

Tracy Potter
Design Values, Craft, and Futures
1 min readSep 26, 2016

Important Quotes and Things to Note:

“That electronic musicians reacted to digital technology by playing with its glitches rather than buying into its marketing promise of improved, cleaner fidelity”

“Superficially, it was ironic that the radical proponent of a digital copy and paste poetics would be charmed by old media technology and its attributes: slowness of process instead of quick gratification, craftsmanship instead of poetry made by all, highest quality reproduction instead of bandwidth-saving compression.”

“Vinyl and cassettes have thus become post-digital media. They exist today only because they compensate for deficiencies of digital files — deficiencies that are both aesthetic and social, since tangible media re means of face to face interpersonal exchange.”

“craftsmanship transgresses manual labor and encompasses all forms of productive making, from carpeting to artists’ work and the coding of the linux kernel.”

“There is no binary divide between craftsmanship and industrial production”

Thoughts and Questions:

  • Craftsmanship as slowness of process instead of quick gratification
  • Is craftsmanship really all productive making?
  • Important themes from this piece are how old technology can become the analog craft, how we can find craft in what might otherwise be seen as a glitch or error.

Cramer, Florian. “Florian Cramer Post-digital Aesthetics — Le Magazine.” Le Magazine. May 1, 2013. Accessed September 26, 2016. http://lemagazine.jeudepaume.org/2013/05/florian-cramer-post-digital-aesthetics/.

