WorkOf: Building a Community of Brooklyn Makers

Tracy Potter
Design Values, Craft, and Futures
2 min readOct 1, 2016

Important Quotes and Things to Note:

“The online interface can only get us so far” — Charlie Miner

“It is a community and it’s very much alive. It’s very important that we bring people together in real life.” — Charlie Miner

“They’re guys you really want to hang out with on the weekend. That comes through in their work” — Charlie Miner

“year round design show” — John Neamonitis

“We try to make sure that there’s a level of commitment to craftsmanship, it’s a business that can scale — can they manage customer orders in a timely manner? Have they spent money on photography to make sure that their products are shot in the best possible way? We always say it’s that commitment to craftsmanship — people that have dedicated their life to it. That’s what we screen for.” — John Neamonitis

“It’s been interesting. There’s a move away from mass-manufactured over consumption. We always say people are trying to reconnect and re-establish relationships with the pieces that are part of their lives, whether it’s a coffee table or a chair. There’s a very real desire for people to get to know the people behind the pieces, the materials, the stories, rather than that anonymity that existed in manufacturing for a long time.” — Charlie Miner

“You can get on the subway, ride your bike and in 20 minutes you can be in the workshop of the person who made the piece. I think that’s a very powerful thing. You don’t get that with a lot of things in your life. It’s rare you can go touch and feel and see something being made for you.” — Charlie Miner

Thoughts and Questions:

  • A lot of the thought behind craftsmanship/maker ideals in this piece really seems to have to do with the creation of community and even a refreshing take on resistance to the digital in the idea that it is important to bring people together in real life!
  • Why call someone a maker rather than a craftsperson or artisan?
  • Major themes coming out of this piece are community, people wanting to connect with people in real life, personalization, and craft as a way of life

Weiss, Allie. “WorkOf: Building a Community of Brooklyn Makers.” Dwell. Accessed September 23, 2016.

