Fjord Faces: Jessica Garrido

3 min readJan 31, 2018

The Fjordian talks movie-store nostalgia, Frito-footed dogs and a future where designers are the new superheros

Role: Visual Design Lead

Studio: Los Angeles

Years at Fjord: 2.5 years

What exactly does your role entail?

When I’m not leading visual design, I’m probably laughing by myself at my desk, doodling and posting the drawings on my wall, as well as annoying the rest of the studio. I’ve gotten really good at it.

What’s been your favorite part of working at Fjord?

Working with amazing folks and soulful clients. It’s hard to feel like you have made a difference in the world, but once in a while we reach those clients that are truly aiming to do good in the world, and we get to be a part of it.

Where do you find inspiration?

Movies, movies, and more movies is where I find my inspiration. Getting lost in a storyline is one of my favorite things to do. I grew up in a weird household where watching movies was considered a sport. I remember going to the video store and just being overwhelmed and excited to see the cover art, then picking out anything I wanted. I remember falling into another world for a few hours, and just being blown away with the storytelling — it was life changing. I still do this now, minus the video store.

( For those of you who don’t know what a video store is, just imagine a brick-and-mortar Netflix with actual tape recordings of movies and shows that you get to take home. You may even get charged if you choose not to “be kind and rewind.”)

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be and why?

I’d say Jesus. I would love to hear his version of the story.

What’s the weirdest or funniest thing that’s happened to you on the job at Fjord?

It’s a funny little thing: My last job literally moved across the street during the final interview phases with Fjord. I had to run across the street every time I needed to meet with them, knowing that it could cost me my job.

What are your three favorite things to do on the weekend?

• Cuddling with my dogs. I’m obsessed with all three. They are amazing and their feet smell like Fritos. Don’t judge — it’s delicious.

• Yoga — I love it. It’s kind and accepting. Every practice is different and rewarding in its own way.

• Being home, I love our house and our neighborhood. My husband and I avoid getting in a car as much as we can over the weekend. It’s hard in LA, but luckily our neighborhood is fantastic.

How does your role as Fjord affect your life outside of the office, and how do your hobbies and passions impact your job?

Listening to the news has changed dramatically. I’m constantly listening for opportunities and ways we could help the world. By working at Fjord, I actually believe change can start with us.

What are your three office must-haves for a successful workday?

Noise, laughter, and a good chat with someone.

If you didn’t have this job, what would you be doing?

I would be working in a job that requires animal interaction. The zoo, sanctuaries, or even a veterinarian. I also love nutrition, so maybe an animal nutritionist?

What’s your hope for the future ?

To define the superheroine or hero. My dream is that the new-age superhero wears a giant “D” on their suits — “D” for Designer.

We’re always looking for smart, talented and passionate people like Jessica. Want to join the team? See all open positions and find out more about why it’s good to be a Fjordian here!

