Resources to be more Systemic in your design process

Allison Bouganim
Design Voices
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2021

The future of the planet relies on our responsibility to be more just, equitable, and sustainable. The first step is to access the research and resources available for us to leverage.

An illustration depicting a series of books on several bookshelves.
Illustration by Allison Bouganim

Systemic Design is typically viewed from an idealistic and often intangible lens, thought of as largely theoretical and difficult to put into practice.

In addition to the concept being challenging to grasp due to its broad and all-encompassing nature, there is also not one agreed upon definition or title. For example, Systemic by Design, ‘systemic design’, ‘systems design’, ‘systems-led design’, ‘system-oriented design’, ‘systems thinking in design’, ‘sustainable system design’, and the list goes on…[those titles] are all essentially referencing the same concept.

Systemic Design, understood from my point of view, simply means having the necessary context needed to make decisions and the ability to switch between a holistic understanding of the system, stakeholder, user needs, and the needs of those not directly involved in the system yet still affected by the decision made within the system.

By contrast, the Design Thinking process is typically seen as a means of innovating new solutions through a human-centered, or, “bottom-up” approach. However, Systems Thinking is typically thought of as a “top-down” and big picture view of the ecosystem (Tjendra, 2018).

With a systems thinking mindset, the designer starts to view products and services as not the ‘end goal’ but as different leverage points within the system. With a systems thinking mindset the idea of “solutions” doesn’t exist. Things are constantly changing and evolving and it [systemic design] refutes the idea of a “solution” or end-state. There are only interventions, which may have positive or negative effects.

Leverage points are places within a complex system, a corporation, an economy, a living body, a city, an ecosystem, and so forth, where an incremental and slight shift in one area can produce significant changes in everything (Donella Meadows, 1999).

However, if you are not satisfied with that summation *and you should NOT be*, here is a thorough, yet not exhaustive, list of resources for you to determine your own definition and point of view on Systemic Design!

Ethics & Responsibilities

Resilience by Design — Alexandra Jayeun Lee

Society Centered Design — Projects by if

Ruined by Design — Mike Monteiro

Sustainable Development Goals — United Nations

Circular Economy — Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Ethics of Design — Sylvain Julé


Thinking in Systems: A Primer — Donella Meadows

The Fifth Discipline — Peter M. Senge

Leverage Points — Donella Meadows

Systems Thinking for Social Change — David Peter Stroh

The Waters of Systems Change — John Kania, Mark Kramer, Peter M. Senge

Soft Systems Methodology — Peter Checkland

Five Principles for Enacting Equity by Design — Estela Mara Bensimon, Alicia C. Dowd and Keith Witham

Designing Freedom — Stafford Beer

Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design — Kat Holmes, John Maeda

Tools for Systems Thinkers — Leyla Acaroglu

Systems Thinking 101 — Artefact Group

A case for Systemic Design — Allison Bouganim

Club of Rome — [List of Publications]

Systems thinking for designers — Fjord; Firat Toroglu and Michelle Mulvey

10 principles for designers on how to not fuck up our future — Fabian Gampp

Academic Reading

Systems Thinking and Design Thinking — Richard Buchanan

DesignX: Complex Sociotechnical Systems — Donald A. Norman; Pieter Jan Strappers

System Dynamics: Foundation Under Systems Thinking — Jay W. Forrester, Sloan School of Management

Systemic Design Principles for Complex Social Systems — Peter H. Jones

The Web of Life: A New Understanding of Living Systems — Fritjof Capra

Handling Societal Complexity — Dorien J Detombe

Creative Holism: A Critical Systems Approach to Complex Problem Situations — Michael C Jackson

Transition Design: A Proposal for a New Area of Design Practice, Study, and Research — Terry Irwin

Design For Common Good: Systemic Design — Allison Bouganim

Of Clouds and Clocks — Karl Popper

Mapping disciplinary mobility for tackling complex problems — Luis Marines


Powers of Ten™ — Easmes Office

If Russ Ackoff had given a TED Talk… — Russell Ackoff

How Designers Destroyed the World — Mike Monteiro

Systems Thinking for a Better World — Peter M. Senge

Idealized Design, Systems Thinking, and a Model for Outlier Innovation — Russell Ackoff

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace — Richard Brautigan

Collapse of Complex Societies — Joseph A. Tainter

Transition Design — Terry Irwin

Ego-system to Ecosystem — Allison Bouganim


Systems Practice — Acumen Academy

Systems Thinking — UnSchool

Tools and Frameworks

The Tarot Cards of Tech — Artefact Group

Equity-Centered Design Framework — Tania Anaissie, Stanford

Equity-Centered Community Design — Creative Reaction Lab

Systems Thinking Toolkit — FSG

Biomimicry Toolbox — Biomimicry Institute

Circular Systems Design Handbook — UnSchool

Circular Design Guide — IDEO, The Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Data Ethics Canvas — Open Data Institute

Anti-Racist Design Justice Index — Design as Protest

Connecting Systems Thinking and Action — Ed Cunliff

Systems Thinking Resources — Donella Meadows

PESTEL Framework

Iceberg Model — Ecochallenge

Systemic by Design Process & Playbook — Allison Bouganim

How to Begin Designing for Diversity — Project Inkblot

Systemic Design Framework — Design Council

Sustainable Development Goals — United Nations

Take your time with these resources because this is definitely a case of information overload.

You can reference an earlier article I wrote here, which describes my framing for systemic design, starting from adding systems thinking into the design thinking process to account for unintended consequences.

I hope this is a helpful foundation for your further inquiry!



Allison Bouganim
Design Voices

Founder of Systemic by Design | Researcher | Storyteller