Curated User Experience Design Newsletter

Design Ops, Bail Your Design Job, Design Systems

Rich Lam
Design Warp
Published in
1 min readJan 4, 2021


Your weekly list of curated design inspiration and resources.

When are you ready for DesignOps?

Identifying common issues your design team may face.

How to Know if You Should Bail from your Design Job

Decision making process for leaving your current design job (or any job really) or for deciding to keep at it.

How to Create the Next Generation of Design Systems

This blog post by Rubrik will walk through how they recently approached modernizing their design system to dramatically accelerate development while tackling the scaling challenges we encountered as their product portfolio expanded.

100 design lessons for 2021

Lessons on how to make an impact beyond our products, how to collaborate beyond Zoom calls, how to organize ourselves beyond our bubbles, and how to improve our craft beyond art boards. Lessons from voices we still don’t hear as often in the design mainstream — but we should. Lessons that can help us all dive into 2021 a bit more prepared.

Ultimate UX/UI Design Books & Blogs for 2021

UX/UI design reads to get you ready for 2021.

