Pre Existence of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
An intense fun week. Learning about futuristic technology from past movies. What a contradiction. But this is reality. Technology moves with a breakneck speed, but compared to the past, we now have a lot more amount of power in our hands. We humans can control technology and vice versa. Watching a series of 9 -11 movie clips about emerging technology made me more interested into technology and wonder what the coming future in terms of Machine Learning would be, Artificial Intelligence and the same. AI is one of the most interesting concepts that has evolved since a long time. I feel AI cannot get close to humans without the concept of empathy, which humans have.
AI powered chatbots are machine coded humans without empathy. Based on the same, one of the major learnings for me was to make the conversations more user friendly. Understanding how the user converses helps to enhance the user experience of any product, be it a conversational interface. This is where the quality of human’s kick in. Developing technology like humans is a challenge. One of the most important part of developing technology is coding it. I have always been interested in the coding part since I joined college. I tried and tried to learn but could never continue after a few weeks. Due to this practice I always lost track. But PDTP has made me got stuck to it now. The fear of coding that I always had is slowly decreasing. One needs logic and brain to solve problems in life, that’s how coding also works. Making errors in your code will help you improve and fix the code. Making mistakes thus help you learn. Its vital to know the crux of coding before one gets into the details of it. Getting introduced to the concept of Metadata, once again, reminded me of the studio on Information Architecture that I had. The term Metadata helps user to track down different kinds of information between huge libraries and folders in the computers. Every information that has been stored has a metadata attached to it.
As the studio progressed, we started solving basic questions, which helped me realise the amount of practice an individual need to learn a new skill. Peter Norwig has rightly said, that a human need to spend 10,000 hours or 10 years to acquire a new skill. Problem solving at a faster pace helped me realise my progress in coding. But I no more fear the colourful screen with syntaxes and different kinds of brackets and functions. Peter Norwig in his paper has clearly spoken about the experience of learning coding in 10 years was one blur of fun for him. I feel every individual should not learn to code but should learn the way to think which drives the code. Computer Science is a new way to think in terms of logic and solving problems and Programming is the method to apply the learnt way of thinking.
I am going to lie back on this strategy of learning how to code in my future studios of Advanced programming. I am looking forward to developing my skills to another level.