Language barriers ~ Python

Design with code
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2018

Our second week of Programming in design started off with an exhibition wherein we put up our concept ideas and discussed it with others. I find the practice of discussing ideas with people really helpful as it allows me to understand different perspectives. We received constructive criticism and made us ponder over areas that we hadn’t thought about. After the exhibition, we discussed the feedback given to us and tried to tie a few loose ends of our project which looks at improving the experience of climbing up and down the stairs.

During the presentation, our team realised that in order to look at the whole experience we should break it down into scenarios/use cases. Once we had presented, I felt the need to look up other artists who use code as a tool for designing. I was curious to know how others in this age used coding to design. I came across a designer called Matt Fargo who uses programing to create projects which revolve around the Japanese culture. Another example is the London based design studio Loop.pH which has designed a balloon which is controlled by brain waves. This made me realise the immense possibilities that programming can offer in various fields.

Our session continued with the practice of python which allowed us to understand how our chatbots would work. We started jotting down how we could incorporate a text based chatbot as our concept involved only a voiced based interaction. Starting off with simple codes, we managed to build a short conversation that could be used as an example. This made me think about the various other chatbots such as Google allo, Alexa etc and how machine learning is an extremely important aspect in this field.

