Reflection - Week 2

Roshni Samuel
Design with code
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2018

For our second week we were each asked to present our projects to the M.Des students and explain to them the concept of our apps. The premise of our project was to make an app that poses a solution but doesn’t necessarily have to solve the problem. We started learning some of the basics of Python and atom. We learnt a couple of ‘if’ statements as well as ‘else’ statements. We learnt a couple of loops which is to consider a variable which varies between two constant values (a and b) and you have a function of this variable in the loop. By constructing a loop of this kind you can evaluate the function at all intermediate values between a and b. We learnt how to string which is a sequence of characters wrapped in quotation marks. Strings are used very frequently in coding. To make a string you’ll need a single quotation mark. You can make a string with your name or a number of greetings and using a string is how code all around the world stores your name. A string can even contain a single character or no character at all. By adding .length; your code can add up all the characters for you. When you run the code each string is printed for you however it is only the last string that is evaluated. But by using the log( ) function and by inserting the strings between the bracket, multiple strings can be evaluated. For our project Agam and I decided to create an app for Srishti students to help track down equipment and we call the app “EquiBot”. Since Srishti has multiple campuses within range of each other the idea of running around and trying to find the required equipment starts to become a wild goose chase. The idea was to make the experience simpler and easier. The application is a means of tracking the specific equipment in real time. We are in process of developing it further and applying some amount of basic code to the prototype. The objective is not to focus on the aesthetics but to get the overall coding right so as to create a functioning prototype.

