Janaki Syam
Design with code
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2018

This week in particular was really stressful for me. We had to actually code the entire conversational agent on python. Working on the agent, I knew, would take a little time since we had to really come up with the actual arrangement. We needed to build the sequence and then only could we start. Since our initial idea was to add a video to show the navigation aspect we realised that the conversational aspect was lacking, which we realised through our feedback. We decided to make the navigational aspect completely conversational. This way we get our point and it seemed a little easier to do.

We also watched a lot of videos about AI and this really have me an insights to what AI can achieve and do. Also, we watched a lot of slips from movies which was not only fun but it was also good to know about some movies that I could watch later on. It also gave me a different perspective to look at my project through. We also learned how to open and read data from files.

The A3 project was really fun. The three of us — Arsh, Rashi, and myself work well in a group and were able to write parts of the code and then put it together into one conversational agent. This was also a bad idea, as there were many name errors that took me a very long time to correct and hence we should have coded on the same code. Even though there are still many errors in the code I do feel that we will be able to revise it by adding more functions and shortening our code. I was also really frantic about getting all the errors corrected that I ended up submitting just a minute before the deadline. The pressure I felt was something different. But in saying that, I did feel like I could have done a lot of things differently to the code. Like adding functions would have shortened the code and also helped with writing the code faster and simpler.

One trick that I always use is keeping an empty file open when I code so that I can check if the code I write works the way that I want. For me learning to become a better and cleaner programmer is more important and learning from my mistakes like these I think will definitely help me become a better programmer.

The syntax of the python programming makes it easy to code really fast and efficiently. We then had a round of quizzing where Gaurav gave us a lot of different problems including the pattern problems which I had completely lost touch on until this class. I do believe that everything that we have learned so far in this class can definitely help me a lot in the future, not just because I know how to code but because now I fully understand the process of coming up with a conversational agent and more important I can finally understand what a conversational agent does and is.

The feedback from the A1 and A2 assignments will definitely give me a better understanding of what to work on the A3 and how to improve it. I hope we can pull off a really good conversational agent.

