Week 3

Roshni Samuel
Design with code
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2018

For our third week we mainly focused on A2 and made sure that the coding we got was as close to the outcome as required. When I started coding I tried to make sure it was a functioning, helpful chatbot. There are a set set of inputs from the list of equipment available and i categorised it according to the availability in [N5] and [N1] and both in [N1_N5]. I agree that the first draft was not particularly advanced but it was the first time I ever coded anything and saw an outcome. I feel that there could be a couple of improvements including making the chatbot’s conversation closer to a humans as well as creating a complete for loop. So as soon as the chatbot has given you the answer it can ask “Is there anything else I can help you with?” N ,Y If you say ‘Yes’ it can continue the search for the required equipment otherwise if you say ‘No’ It can end with “Thank you for using EquiBot.” Another thing I would like to improve is a text to audio conversion which I think can be incorporated like as seen demonstrated with a simple ‘say’ in terminal. The next step would be to add Adaptive Speech recognition which I think would really add to the over AI experience. As part of our class we watched a snippet of a couple of Sci-fi movies that features artificial intelligence as humans imagine it in the future. We watched a bit of ‘Her’, ‘Interstellar’, ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ and ‘The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy’ as example of a few. The answer is 42.

I’m really looking forward to improving and having a better outcome in A3.

