When It Comes to Success In Business, Think Relationships Before Results

Kerri Richardson
Design Your Dream Life
2 min readFeb 18, 2016

Many entrepreneurs struggle with the feast or famine reality that can be a regular part of business. When it’s feast time, you get to breathe, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. That is until famine rolls around. Then it’s rush, rush, rush, create, create, create, launch, launch, launch.

Chasing the dollar instead of focusing on being of service is palpable, and heard loud and clear by your customers. It’s like you’re chasing them. And what’s the natural instinct of someone or something being chased? To run away.

People invest their money and hopes in someone they know, like, and trust, and in the results they


believe they can get from working with you. Sure, you can fill your website or social media pages with testimonials, and while that evidence is an important piece of the puzzle, what customers really want is first-hand experiences of you and your brilliance.

Some ways you can do that are by:

  • Sending a weekly newsletter
  • Engaging with them through your Facebook page
  • Having conversations on Twitter, instead of simply posting a link to your latest blog or offering
  • Offering complimentary monthly or quarterly group calls
  • Creating some attractive, free giveaways
  • Broadcasting live using Periscope

How do you pick which one to focus on?

Start with the one that’s easiest for you. That might be one that you’re already familiar with but just haven’t been using, one that is easy to learn, or one where you have resources/mentors who can help you navigate it. You want to use an approach that allows you to show up as your authentic, magnificent self, and not get tripped up by the functionality.

The goal is to become a client magnet. Instead of chasing business, you begin to naturally attract it. By providing a variety of ways that people can experience you, you build a relationship with them, which is always the foundation of success.

I’ve been guilty of falling off the radar only to resurface when I’m launching a new course. That’s like ignoring a friend for years and then expecting to be immediate besties. It just doesn’t work that way.

So, how will you be more intentional about getting into a consistent relationship with your customers? Let me know in the comments below.

Until next week, keeping taking those steps to Live Out Loud.

Photo credit: TerryJohnston via Visualhunt / CC BY



Kerri Richardson
Design Your Dream Life

Author, Lifestyle Designer & Coach. I teach dreamers how to clear the clutter, quiet the noise, & take decisive action so they can live BIG. kerririchardson.com