15 Must-See Speeches from Experts for UI/UX Designers

Design4Users Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2017

It wouldn’t be a fresh discovery to say that IT-sphere in general and product design as its part require non-stop learning from those who seek to be professionals in this dynamic field. The domain of user experience and user interface design is so young and still already well-established: that’s amazing to see how many people, who started their career when the positions of UI and UX designers didn’t even exist in the list of specialities of higher educational institutions, now have grown into experts able to open the stunning area of knowledge and practice. And that’s real luck for professionals all over the world to be able to share their findings via both real and online conferences with a view to getting the global design community stronger and more flexible for the sake of creating user-friendly problem-solving problems.

Today’s post presents the collection of videos featuring the informative speeches from recognized experts in the sphere of creating digital products. They are devoted to different aspects of design for users and will definitely bring helpful and useful professional tips to UI/UX designers working over websites and mobile applications. So, enjoy watching, absorb knowledge and get inspired!

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products

by Nir Eyal

Designing Meaningful Animation

by Val Head

The Top 10 Things You Need to Know about Perception

by Susan Weinschenk

Designing Emotional Experiences

by Aarron Walter

Mind tricks & 7 Secrets of Behavioural Economics for UX Designer

by Lanny Geffen

How product design can change the world

by Christiaan Maats

How to manage for collective creativity

by Linda Hill

The complex relationship between data and design in UX

by Rochelle King

The art of innovation

by Guy Kawasaki

Why UX is not only the Responsibility of the UX’er

by Janne Jul Jensen

The Cognitive Abilities of Human Beings — Why Some Things are so Darn Hard!

by Janne Jul Jensen

Building a Winning UX Strategy Using the Kano Model

by Jared Spool

User eXperience

by Jesse James Garrett

Designing Better Conversations

by Justin Davis

Empathy: your secret weapon in designing for the web

by Nathalie Nahai

Originally published in Design4Users

Welcome to check out 20 TED-talks for Designers



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