Top 5 UX/UI Design Agencies in San Francisco — Best of 2024

In San Francisco, California, you can find some of the best UX design agencies in the world. Here we will list five of the best user interface and user experience design companies.

Angela Huang
17 min readSep 12, 2022


Updated October 2, 2024

SF is well-known for its many unique features: the Pacific Ocean, Golden Gate Bridge, famous cable cars, rolling hills, and many others. However, San Francisco is becoming more than just a pretty city nowadays. Thanks to its proximity to Silicon Valley, it is becoming one of the main headquarters for the technology industry.

Tech is an umbrella term that includes a wide range of companies. YouTube to Oracle are all tech companies based in Northern California, yet they have little in common. In this article, we want to focus on creative agencies, particularly those in San Francisco, specializing in user experience design–a vital tech industry sector.

Over the past few years, user experience design has become paramount to the operation of many companies–some even have in-house UX design teams. As the world has turned digital, so have people’s perceptions of brands and businesses, and UX design is essential.

Creating an in-house UX design team is only sometimes possible or necessary. That is why many UX agencies around the globe specialize in UX and UI design to service all those companies that do not want to have an in-house team.

Since San Francisco is becoming the home for many of the world’s top UX designers first, it is a great idea to go over the top five agencies in this beautiful area.

Top 5 UX Design Firms in the San Francisco Bay Area to Hire in September 2024:

1. Clay

Best-known clients: Slack, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Coca-Cola
Budget: $150k+

Clay is a UX design, branding and web design agency based in SF
Clay is a UX design, branding, and web design agency based in SF

Clay is the tech industry’s finest UX/UI design agency and website design firm. They are located on the southern coast of San Francisco. You can notice this by looking at some of their clients.

Some of the many services they offer are UI/UX design, development, digital strategy, website design, and even branding. Regardless of your company’s industry or the services or products you offer, Clay will help you through its innovative and very creative ideas and approaches to UX design.

What makes Clay so unique besides the results they deliver? For one, they have a discreet relationship with their clients, which means they won’t release the name of every client they work with. This helps companies in terms of brand development. They also make a point of working with a lot of start-ups. And they do this for a reason; they care about establishing professional relationships with their clients from start to finish.

Although Clay likes to work with many local brands, their absolute superiority has reached global notoriety and brought in many international clients.

You can check Clay’s portfolio here and their Twitter, Dribbble, and Instagram pages.


Best-known clients: Verizon, Swarovski, Ford, IKEA, GE, Procter & Gamble
Budget: $500k+

IDEO is UX design, branding and industrial design firm located in SF
IDEO is a UX design, branding, and industrial design firm located in SF

IDEO has made a name for itself within the historic Lion building due to its history in San Francisco. They were one of the first UX design agencies to use–and popularize–human-centered design and the design thinking methodology. Thanks to this, they are one of San Francisco’s most exceptional, influential, and respected UX and digital firms.

Although they are based in San Francisco, they have offices around the globe and are constantly working with the world’s top companies. They specialized in UX design and offered management and consulting services, industrial design, and branding services. Although they have a global presence, this has not negatively affected its compromise with the Bay Area and Silicon Valley industry ecosystem.

You can check their portfolio at and their social media platforms: TwitterLinkedInInstagram

3. Frog

Best-known clients: Apple, Porsche, GE, Intel, UBS, Sharp, Hyundai
Budget: $350k+

Frog is a digital innovation firm and UX design company
Frog is a digital innovation firm and UX design company

Unlike some of the top creative agencies mentioned here, Frog is relatively new. Hartmut Esslinger founded it in Germany as an industrial design firm in 1969. Its ability to change to keep up with the constant changes in the design industry has provided Frog with a unique, impressive, and multifaceted portfolio.

Thanks to its resilience and innovative approaches, it offers a wide range of services like launching new businesses, improving CX –customer services– at scale, helping clients make more courageous decisions, and delivering better digital products. Its human-centered approach also helps it build stronger teams for firms of all sizes.

Although they are not focused only on CX, they have helped many companies grow from scratch and used their structured and globally respected CX services to achieve this growth.

Even though it was founded in Germany and has offices in almost every corner of the world, San Francisco is now Frog’s base. This makes it an excellent option for a UX design firm with a globally renowned reputation and sits at the heart of SF.

Check its portfolio at

And their social platforms: TwitterLinkedInInstagram

4. Designit

Best-known clients: BMW, Google, Audi, FedEx, Visa, Cisco, Facebook
Budget: $500k+

Designit is a UX, UI, CX design and branding firm
Designit is a UX, UI, CX design, and branding firm

Designit has a long list of awards, offices across the globe, and an outstanding portfolio of clients. This all makes it one of the industry’s top UX design firms.

Originally founded in Denmark, one of his main offices is now in San Francisco. Like most iconic design brand’s in SF, Designit services are not narrowed down to only UX design. They help clients start new businesses, transform brands and digital products into something better, and offer educational services to help companies become more innovative, strategic thinking and creative.

Designit is anywhere where UX design might be needed, and they have a particular focus on user experience (UX), user interface (UI), customer experience (CX), and branding. They can help you with anything involving creativity and your brand.

One key aspect of Designit is its values. It doesn’t matter what the nature of the project is; they will always approach it with empathy, collaboration, creativity, holistic thinking, experimentation, and craftsmanship. The values are the north start for all of their projects and have proven to lead to successful design results.

Check its portfolio:

Check their social media platforms: TwitterLinkedInInstagram

5. Blink

Best-known clients: Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, HBO, Nike
Budget: $250k+

Blink a user experience consulting firm and UX studio
Blink a user experience consulting firm and UX studio

Blink UX is genuinely a revolutionary firm. They are a user experience consulting firm and UX studio that prides itself on working with only the clients pushing the limits of their industries. This has allowed them to provide services to various clients, improving their versatility and innovation. They are experienced at delivering the essence of their design work but are open to more than just a particular industry or client base.

Blink UX’s mottos state that “great design happens at the intersection of knowledge and imagination.” Blink’s motto means they will use their innovation and creativity approach but always spend efforts doing deep research and getting to know the industry, market, niche, company, and end-users. That is why they also offer services such as product design, design strategy, foundational research, evaluative and market research, and front-end engineering, to name a few.

Check their portfolio at:

Check their social media platforms: TwitterLinkedInInstagram

Now that you know the San Francisco companies, what are you waiting to reach out to and provide world-class design? As we’ve seen, they are all amazing and deliver outstanding results every time.

Although some will prefer to work in particular niches, they are all a good shout for any business that wants to improve its user experience, user interface, customer experience, and branding strategies! So what are you waiting for?

FAQs — Why do you need Top UX Design Agencies

San Francisco has become the hub of the tech world. Many world-class tech companies have been founded in this beautiful city and moved to the area. They are filling the Bay Area with valuable talent and giving San Francisco a robust tech industry ecosystem.

As we previously mentioned, San Francisco’s proximity to Silicon Valley makes it stand out and an attractive location for all technology-related companies.

One of these tech industry sectors that has quickly developed in the area is UX design agencies. UX design is now needed for almost all, if not all, businesses, whether they are related to tech or not. A soap store will need a website and e-commerce site with the best UX design to appeal to new customers.

Many misconceptions exist about looking for a UX design company in San Francisco. And although the area is full of incredible talent, that does not mean any SF-based web development or creative agency will deliver excellent work. To help you navigate and choose better what you need, we’ve included a few frequently asked questions about UX design companies from San Francisco.

Photo by İrfan Simsar on Unsplash

What Does a UX Studio Do?

The term UX has come to be used quite loosely. To help you better understand what you should be able to expect from a UX design agency, let’s take a closer look at what UX means and what a design agency does.

User experience, or UX, measures how the user or visitor will interact with a digital product (application, website, etc.). These interactions will translate into a significant, holistic experience that can make or break design solutions.

If a design company offers the best service or product in the market, but their users get frustrated with the page or can’t simply find the call to action, any efforts to grow your business will be in vain, leaving the brand strategy in tatters.

Most web design services will design the experience from start to end, factoring in the brand’s story (who they are, what they stand for), with sites encouraging user interaction. They have to work with many complex topics to achieve this, including mobile development for responsive designs, content management strategies, graphic design, and, in the case of software, UI.

While it is easy to find a UX agency in San Francisco that can design the visual and digital resources for the company, they will also need to deeply understand the target industry, company, users, and customers.

Without this knowledge, any website development risks creating an elegant design that does not address the company’s purpose or potential customers.

UX design is paramount because not only will it define the usability and look of the website, but it will determine how users will feel about your brand; that you are communicating the right message, in the right way, to the right audience.

What are the first steps of successful UX design?

The first thing that top UX design agencies in San Francisco will do when starting a new design project is called UX research. At this stage, they will investigate the target audience. Its demographics, needs, wants, pain points, and desires.

The data is then compared with the competition to see what they are doing in digital experiences and if they are successfully communicating the right message. These digital experiences are recorded as part of the research findings in the ‘architecture of information to map out all the essential information.

Photo by Tomasz Zagórski on Unsplash

Why does brand strategy matter?

The UX research step is key to understanding the particular experience each user expects to have with any web or mobile app design or software solution. One of the things that the best UX design agencies in San Francisco focus on is usability.

Does the visual design allow for ease of use? Do the design solutions promote diversity in their users? Relating to the user’s perception of the digital product and brand strategy is essential.

If users visit a website and can’t use it properly due to its graphic design or layout, they stop using it, but they will also have a bitter aftertaste when thinking about that company again. Successful companies ensure their users enjoy interacting with their chosen visual design solutions. Any brand strategy that fails to consider its users will ultimately fail. Once these first steps have been accomplished, the user interface design is next.

What things will you use to create a better experience for the user? Typography, color palettes, blank space and images, and overall style should instantly reflect the brand’s identity.

UX design agencies in San Francisco provide many more services than just UX design, for example, branding. Although branding is closely related to UX design, they are different. Branding is about the brand identity itself. User experience design is about how you will communicate this identity. Many companies reach out to UX design for help in their design and branding needs. In these cases, compelling consistency between the two has outstanding results.

Now you understand what UX design is and what a digital agency specializing in UX design can offer its clients.

What comes after UX design?

A compelling website has to be more than just a beautiful interface. The pretty exterior is only one part of website development.

The back end, where the “magic” happens, is where you find most of the work. Coding and setting up databases, servers, and other tools that make a website run are the domain of web developers. For complex businesses, a content management system may need to be integrated into the back-end system to allow the collection of customer data, potential leads, and other essential information.

Returning to the front end, a website’s search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most significant measures of success.

SEO is the practice of improving the ranking of a website on search engines. The higher the ranking, the more likely people find the website. This is important for companies because they can reach more people and grow their businesses.

Combining excellent and well-optimized content with an engaging UX design is the key to success on the internet.

In-house or external UX designers? That is the question

Hiring a UI/UX design agency–especially one from the list we mentioned–is a tried and true option. In San Francisco, it’s hard not to find excellent UX specialists. They will assess you in whatever you need and can even help you with outside opinions and expertise.

However, it is worth noting that sometimes your in-house team can have a pool of untapped potential. With the proper guidance and training, your employees can be just as effective–if not more so–than an external UX studio. There are benefits and drawbacks to both approaches. Here, we’ll review some key points to remember when deciding.

Hiring a UI/UX design agency SF:

It gives you access to specialists who are well-versed in the field. In addition, many agencies have a team of web designers so that you can get more than one perspective on your project.

Design company designers are often experienced in working with clients from different industries. This means they’re familiar with different workflows and can offer insights that might not be obvious to someone who isn’t as experienced.

They can also help you with other aspects of your project, such as user research, information architecture, and design.

Working with an agency can be more expensive than using an in-house UX designer. But it can be worth the investment, especially if you need to help with a complex project.

Of course, working with a UX design company does mean there is another vendor to manage.

Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash

Working with an in-house UX designer or team:

If you go the in-house route, you can save on hiring a UX strategy firm costs. While a UX team will need to be educated on who your company is, your in-house team will be more familiar with your company’s culture and goals.

In addition, an in-house team can provide more continuity for your project. With a UX design agency, there’s always the risk that the team you worked with on one project might not be available for the next one.

It can be a great option if you have the budget and resources to support an in-house team. Just be sure to carefully consider the size and scope of your project before making a decision. Knowing whether this will be a one-time deal or an ongoing project to revolutionize your brand’s presence on the internet can help you decide between going with a design company or staying in-house.

Both approaches have pros and cons, so ultimately, the decision comes down to what makes the most sense for your company. Sometimes a hybrid approach — working with a UX studio for some aspects of the design project and using in-house resources for others — can be the best solution.

The best UX design agencies in San Francisco are the fastest option for creating high-quality front-ends that deliver, but in-house teams may suffice for smaller jobs and tweaks.

Are UX design agencies in San Francisco better?

Well, the answer to that question, put, is: not necessary. What happens is that thanks to the tech hub that San Francisco has turned itself into, there is a clear advantage for UX design agencies in the area: access to the incredible talent and respected names in the industry.

We also need to consider that some of the biggest technology companies based in San Francisco, CA, hire UX design agencies outside the Bay Area. San Francisco still has top agencies. It just means that great user experience designers can be found anywhere.

This growing international talent pool can sometimes deter companies from hiring the best UX design agencies in SF. However, it is crucial to consider the price and quality of an agency’s portfolio more than its location.

Why are SF UX design agencies so expensive?

Although being close to Silicon Valley brings many benefits, it also has a significant downside: higher costs. San Francisco, CA, has some of the highest housing costs in the United States.

On top of that, the fierce competition between these tech giants to gather the best talent has pushed up incomes and project costs.

Lastly, since these tech companies boast huge profits, many smaller companies tend to charge more than others elsewhere. This does not mean more customers for them, but it still pushes everyone’s prices up a notch.

Is the investment worth it?

The short answer is yes–if you choose wisely. As mentioned above, some incredible agencies work in San Francisco, CA. Their prestige and portfolio speak for themselves.

However, this means that only some of the overpriced UX agencies in San Francisco are worth it. Many are only starting and have junior talent–even if what they charge doesn’t show it.

The most important thing is not to focus solely on location. Have a detailed assessment of their portfolio and history to see if they match your company and industry.

Photo by Federica Galli on Unsplash

What about remote Top UX agencies in San Francisco?

Every year–and even more now after covid–remote work is becoming more usual. People want to reduce their commuting time and housing costs and achieve a life-work balance.

Technology has made it easier to set up your office anywhere with a wifi network available. Remote work is becoming an attractive option for UX agencies in San Francisco themselves. This helps them recruit international talent and reduce certain costs while maintaining the highest results.

Around 2–3 million UX designers are working around the world. And the most talented of them are not beholden to one city or tech hub. Not only is talent acquisition becoming a global task, but clients are also available around the globe. This makes remote work even more enticing.

How do I find a UI/UX design agency in San Francisco, CA?

If you’re still looking for a great UX design team, and the above list doesn’t do it for you, consider asking around some established Bay Area design companies. Find out which team they worked with and schedule a meeting with the interaction design agency you think will be the best fit.

Before your search starts, determine how important the UX design agency you want to work with is in San Francisco.

The UX design agency you want to work with is critical in San Francisco. Determine how respected the agency you consider working with is within San Francisco. Are they known for producing excellent work on time and within budget?

Being in the San Francisco Bay area gives you a significant advantage when it comes to finding excellent agencies to work with, not least of which is the ability to arrange in-person meetings with the design agency can help maintain and build a better client-customer relationship, which has proven to bring success to a project.

Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash

What questions should we ask ourselves before seeking a UX agency?

When you’re ready to start interviewing top UX design agencies, there are a few questions you should always ask. How long have they been in business? What is their process for designing and building user experiences? Do they have any case studies or examples of their work that they can share with you?

But what about the questions you should ask yourself?

Once you’ve found a team you think you can work with, it’s time to start talking about your project. There are many common questions you should ask yourself:

What are your goals for the project?

When working on a project, you must know your goals to ensure the user experience is practical.

If you’re not sure what you’re trying to achieve, it won’t be easy to measure whether or not the UX design has been successful. Make sure you know your goals before working with a team.

What are your budget and timeline constraints?

Knowing your budget for new UX designs is important because it will help you stay on track and avoid unexpected expenses.

It’s also helpful to have a timeline for the project, so you can make sure everything is completed on time. If there are any budget overruns, it’s essential to be able to handle them efficiently and in a pre-negotiated manner.

What is your vision for the end product?

If you have a clear vision of how you want your user experience to look, it’s essential to share that with the designers.

They will be able to create designs that fit your vision and give you a product that you’re happy with. However, if you’re open to interpretation, the team can work with you to develop a unique project vision.

What are your users’ needs?

To design a compelling user experience, you must know what your users need and want from the product.

The team must understand your target audience and their goals to create a design that meets their needs. If you’re unsure what your users’ needs are, the team can help you figure that out through user research.

What are your brand guidelines?

If you have established brand guidelines, it’s important to share them with the UX agency. This will help them create designs consistent with your brand and help you maintain a cohesive corporate identity.

The more information you can give the team, the better they’ll be able to understand your needs and provide you with a proposal for their services.

By ensuring that the agency you work with is experienced and reputable, you can avoid any stressful surprises down the road and be confident that your project is in good hands.

Thanks for reading!

