User Testing: The Ultimate Guide

Angela Huang
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2022

User testing is the process that designers need to go through to help themselves understand how users will interact with the product, what part of the design needs to be changed and improved, and what test participants like and dislike about the product’s design.

If you don’t have much experience with user testing, then we are here to help you. This article will examine how user testing can improve your products to give users the best experience and first impression.

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash
Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

What Is User Testing?

User testing is a process that designers use to test the product designs they have created. The actual users of the product are given the product to try and give feedback on what they liked, what they disliked, and what they would change.

When user testing, the designer may have questions for the users to answer to help them understand the user experience and what can be done to improve it in certain areas.

Before releasing a product, it should be user tested. This will help identify any problems that have been missed. These problems can then be fixed before the product is released and people start using it. You want to make sure target audience have the best first impression of the product, and user testing is one way you can do this.

This testing is done at different stages of the design process, from the early stages to right before the product is released. The earlier it starts, the easier it will be to identify and fix problems quickly.

User Testing can be done in different ways. Smaller groups of designers may ask each other and friends to test the product, while larger companies will hire a user experience design company to find users to test the product. Different options are available to designers, and picking the right one is essential.

Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash
Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash

Why Is User Testing Important?

User testing will reveal how users will use your product to accomplish their goals. This will give you the best indication of whether your product is good, whether users will get what they want, or if changes are necessary. The feedback given to you by the users is essential as it can help you make the right improvements.

You need user testing if you want to design a user-friendly, intuitive, and successful product. If you can’t do it independently, hire a UX design agency to help you. They can find the right users to test your product and will get all the feedback you will need to make changes to your product. You can use online tools and user testing services if you don’t want to hire an agency.

What You Need To Know About User Testing

Finding The Right Users

Before starting user testing, you need to find the right users to test your product. You need to know who the target users of your product are. If you don’t know this, then you will need to do user research to find out.

Choosing the right users is essential if you want the most valuable feedback to make improvements. This will help you make changes the target users will benefit from. If you start user testing with random users, they might give you feedback that isn’t relevant to the issues the target users deal with.

You Need To Have A Plan

User testing isn’t easy, it will take time, and you need to have the plan to make the process easier. You should know what you want to test and find out before you start how you will test the product and who will be doing the test.

Knowing all of this before you start will reduce confusion and help you get the user testing completed without needing to fix problems during the testing process.

You should know what the users will use the product for and what they want to accomplish when they use it. This will help you decide what to test.

Create A Script For Users

These are the instructions that users will need to follow when they start testing your product. This script should be straightforward and not difficult to follow. Keep it simple, tell users what they need to do, and be as detailed as possible.

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash
Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

You can look at other scripts online to find out what yours could look like. You can look at different online sources to find help to make the best script for your product’s testing process.

Start User Testing

You can now have users test your product. It would help if you took notes while observing the real users trying your product. Write down their experience, whether they are efficiently completing the instructions you created, if they’re having difficulty, and what they have problems with.

It would help if you took lots of notes to help you analyze the results of the user test once it is finished.


You need to look at all the feedback and analyze it. This is where you decide what needs to be changed in your product’s design, what users like, and what they dislike. If you took detailed notes, then this part will be more accessible.

Good luck!

