Why uber is still winning

product is still king…

Preston Attebery
Design Critique*
1 min readMar 1, 2017


Uber has had a rough few months. From getting their autonomous vehicles removed from CA streets to Travis (CEO) arguing with his own driver.

But…what about their success?

As far as we can tell, they’re still winning HUGE. Compared to Lyft…or past earnings. Their growth is rising.

Even with the mishaps. Uber is killing it. But…why?

Because, product is still king 👑

Products aren’t moral, people are, and often times people ignore the moral downfalls of companies for the sake of their great products.

Even with a culture that is significantly more politically and socially involved than past years, a good product is morally blinding.

People would rather support a “bad” company if that means more convenience and less struggle for themselves.

Look at the continued success of brands like Apple, H&M, and others that use cheap labor in bad working conditions. Or…Wells Fargo, or Volkswagen…

I’m not sure what that means for the future of Uber, but as long as their product is top notch, most will stick around.

