Assessment in Templeton STEM

What does assessment look like in my STEM classes?

Designed Classroom
1 min readMar 29, 2018


  • An assignment is presented to students, along with a rubric and a suggested due date.
  • Students work from the rubric (predominantly in groups) to prepare a submission for assessment.
  • Around due date — or as-early-as-possible — students submit their work (with a self-completed rubric) for initial review by teacher.
  • Submission is assessed by the teacher and returned.
  • If students wish, they can make change(s) / update(s) and re-submit, until all are in agreement with returned assessment. When all in agreement — assessment accepted as final.

NOTE: Unless specifically referenced in rubric, timeliness is not part of assessment (in other words, marks will not be taken away for work that was not submitted by the due date).

