Do you want to rule them all?

Creanest Creative
Designer’s Notebook
3 min readMay 25, 2018

All you need to know about SEO - for dummies👶.

It is better than it looks —

Almost from the very beginning of search engines, we’ve heard about SEO and its incredible importance for business, but let’s finally figure out what SEO is and is it really so indispensable?

Under the abbreviation of SEO, we mean Search Engine Optimization, and that’s what SEO does: it makes it easier to use search engines.

You might say it is hard, that you don’t want to think about SEO and even “Hell, I’m not touching SEO even with a 10-foot pole”.

But trust me, it is so simple.

Shall we explore how SEO affects your search results?

We have two kinds of SEO:

  • the first, associated with the site directly (on page) and;
  • the second, built on the interaction of the site with other online pages (off page).

How can you improve SEO on a page?

This is step is the easiest part of this process.

You make edits to your site, and the quality of the result depends only on the quality of your work, and not on external circumstances.

The only thing you need to understand here is that now the search engines care about users first and tend to position better those pages that give a complete answer to the search query.

How do they do this? By thoroughly analysing the web page for compliance with the query, download speed, readability and many other factors.

You might have heard that it is possible to insert a lot of keywords into the text and get massive traffic without much extra work. It was, but not anymore. “Eh, those were the times…!”

Now it is not that simple, SEO factors are in hundreds. Even godlike copywriter's text will affect the search results only so far.

Let’s look at the most important SEO factors.

  1. The speed of site loading. The search for an answer to the question should not take much time, and no one will wait 3 seconds or more until your site loads.
  2. Readable links. People do not want to understand the digital code of your site, they want to read the link and understand what is said on the page bound to it. This is also what a search engine wants.
  3. Text readability. The human brain does not perceive the wall of words. To make it easier for the user to read and therefore easier to find the answer, break the text into short paragraphs with headings and dilute the complex information with lists and images.
  4. Reliability of your content. Prove the user that you can be trusted: refer to known and reliable sources.
  5. Keywords. Nevertheless, we can not do without them: they help the search engine understand what is said on the page. But do not concentrate too much on them and do not spam users, as I said before, search engines value readability, not the number of keys per square meter of the page.

As for off page optimisation, this kind of optimisation is more efficient (although, of course, both work hand in hand) but also more complex. In this case, search engines look at how often others refer to your page, how authoritative you are.

Of course, these are not all the factors important for SEO, but first of all, it is worthwhile to understand that search engines are aimed at the convenience of the user, and so should you.

Make your site pleasant to look at and pleasant to read, watch for a good quality of the content and try to develop not for the search engine, but for your users.

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