Ultimate list: 2019 Graphic Design Trends

Creanest Creative
Designer’s Notebook
6 min readDec 21, 2018

As we approach the last days of 2018, I start to look back on what we have achieved this year. I reflect on all the ups and downs we had and think on what we can improve to make the upcoming year better.

It is also the time when I start researching which graphic design trends are most likely to prevail so that we’re ready to offer our clients the best.

Like last year, also this year, I’ve spent quite a lot of time and energy analysing more than 200 web pages and blogs, so that I can give you the most accurate 2019 graphic design trends prediction.

After compiling the analysis, I’m happy to present you a list of the 8 most predicted trends for 2019.

Duotone gradients

Like in 2018, duotone gradients are surely but steadily making a comeback mostly through flat design. I would not be surprised to see these gradients venture into more innovative use cases, in 2019.

Online payment processor www.stripe.com | Digital music service www.spotify.com | Mockup service provider www.placeit.net
Adobe 99U conference

Animated hand-drawn Illustrations

The demand for hand-drawn illustrations is rising as we speak. People want to be unique and stand out. Custom illustrations help to differentiate from the overused stock images and enhance the brand’s personality.

In 2018 a lot of people has used it, so in 2019, in order to stand out, you need to make it dynamic. A simple animation will do the trick.

Email marketing platform www.mailchimp.com

Vivid Colours

Over the last few years, designers are distancing themselves more and more from 2010’s bland minimalism. You can be sure 2019 won’t be an exception. You will be able to see more and more toxic yellows, bright reds, vibrant blues, and a lot of CORAL PINK (PANTONE 16–1546 Living Coral colour of 2019).

Food supplements www.eboost.com
Packaging provider www.packwire.com | Australian financial service provider www.sifs.com.au

3D elements

With the 2018 emerging VR trends, people started wanting more immersive visual experiences. 3D compositions that started replacing flat designs, were quite a logical outcome. They add that feeling, that makes you want to touch the design.

Alphaputt iOS game www.sennepgames.com
Andreas Ivan www.goo.gl/7EAUVH | Bryan Lane www.goo.gl/UCE9DD | Coffee address www.goo.gl/trWiiX | Neon glasses www.goo.gl/8pUmdi
Kombix artwork www.goo.gl/g1Q2p3

Isometric design

Isometric design is a way to give that same spatial feeling 3D elements give, but reducing the output file size. Drawing 3D elements on a 2D plane is not faster, but surely it is more web friendly. I expect them to be even more prominent in 2019.

Isometric illustration www.goo.gl/dqN6sc | Poster www.goo.gl/xN4bQT | Smart contracts creator www.cryptogoal.io
Argyle cryptocurrency www.argylecoin.io

Strong typography

With the rise of social media and small mobile screens, marketers are waking up, and with it the demand for easily readable designs. You can expect this trend to continue in 2019 and well past it. Typography always was a strong way to share your tone of voice, evoke emotion and give your work some personality.

Apple www.apple.com | BlackLeaf www.goo.gl/ga4y89 | Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu www.goo.gl/WWBqTc
Adidas Twitter shares www.twitter.com/adidas

Original stock photos

You might already be bored, but I will keep repeating it. You need to be original to stand out nowadays. Web shows it, you know it, your clients are noticing it. In 2019 clients simply won’t be happy with stock photographs in their designs. Mark my words, in 2019 photos need to be original, not staged, and preferably not over-edited.

Unsplash, just for a feel. You need to take them yourself! www.unsplash.com
Norwegian landscape photographer, Christian Hoiberg www.choiberg.com

Intense minimalism

We are way past black & white minimalistic approach. Brands are getting a bit more comfortable experimenting with colourful minimalism. Designers can combine literally all 2019 trends with this one, just remember, cut the unnecessary clutter.

My digital unicorns would like to bring you some emails. 🦄
You love unicorns, don’t you?

Author: Alan Jereb, Marketing Manager, Creanest d.o.o.

