Design Toolkit: The Customer Needs Network Canvas

Design Farm Collective Home
1 min readAug 27, 2018

What is it?

The Customer Needs Network is a tool that we use at Design Farm Collective to help organisations understand how to tailor their services around each customer, rather than around a customer category or archetype.

Why is it useful?

For each organisation, the viability and appropriateness of truly tailored services are different.

This exercise can help teams develop a shared understanding about where they can (and where they can’t) cater to specific customer needs.

We find that this canvas helps us find new ways to package or bundle services, but also helps create a new mindset for employees who are responsible for customer service.

What is the outcome?

Introducing this tool can help turn a reactive customer enquiry process into a proactive process where employees are acting as architects, building a network of services around specific needs.

Ready to try it yourself?

Click here to download this canvas!

Originally published at on August 27, 2018.



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