Better Your Reading Habits: Tools to Help You Read More Books

Syed Faraz Ahmad
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2024
Photo by Blaz Photo on Unsplash


Finding time to read can be tough in today’s busy world. Luckily, there are tools that can help you make the most of your reading time and even help you read more books each year. In this article, we’ll look at some great tools to help you track, plan, and enjoy your reading.

Why Reading is Important

Reading has many benefits. It can expand your knowledge, improve your vocabulary, reduce stress, and increase empathy. Whether you read for fun or to learn, keeping up a reading habit is important.

Tools to Improve Your Reading

1. Goodreads

Goodreads helps book lovers find new books, keep track of what they’re reading, and join book clubs. It’s great for finding recommendations and reading reviews.

2. Blinkist

If you’re short on time, Blinkist gives you summaries of non-fiction books, so you can understand the key points in just 15 minutes. It’s perfect for busy readers who still want to learn.

3. Audible

Audiobooks are a great way to read while on the go. Audible offers a huge selection of audiobooks, so you can listen while commuting, exercising, or doing chores.

More Tools to Help You Read

Using the right tools can make reading more enjoyable and help you stick to your goals.

4. Libby

Libby lets you borrow e-books and audiobooks from your local library for free. It’s a fantastic resource if you want a wide range of books without spending money.

5. Bookly

Bookly helps you track your reading, set goals, and create reading plans. It also gives you stats on your reading habits, which can help you read more efficiently.


Using these tools can make your reading experience better and help you reach your reading goals. Whether you’re discovering new books on Goodreads, catching up on summaries with Blinkist, or enjoying audiobooks on Audible, these tools can help.

Bonus: Try the Book Calculator App

Want to get even more out of your reading time? Try this Books Calculator. This tool helps you find out how long it will take to finish a book based on your reading speed and how much you read each day. It can also show how many books you can read in a year if you read daily. Give it a try and see how it can help you reach your reading goals!

Ready to improve your reading habits? Check out these tools and start reading more books today!



Syed Faraz Ahmad

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