5 Podcasts to Check Your Bias

Biz Young
Design Impact
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2018

In times of uncertainty, it’s natural to want to focus your energy on scouring the web for answers. So when white nationalists march in the street or another life is taken without justice, we search for tangible ways to understand what is happening in hopes of finding something we can act on.

It’s easy to disassociate from these horrific situations. Some chalk it up to ‘one crazy person,’ but the issues run deeper than that. As part of Design Impact, an organization that uses innovation to address social inequity, our team is always eager to discuss with one another, redefine, and stretch our opinions. One small thing we do together is reflect on our own implicit bias. And as researchers, designers, and educators, it’s second nature to pull together resources that help us do that. So on that note, here are some podcasts we’ve been listening to that really shook up our thinking.

1. The Code Switch Guide to Handling Casual Racism
Code Switch (24 min) Code Switch was created by a team of journalists to discuss how race, ethnicity and culture all intersect, what this looks like in our every day lives, and how it’s shifting. While this episode is from the perspective of those who experience day-to-day racism, it’s important for everyone to listen.

2. Shots Fired Part 1 and Part 2
Radiolab (86 min total) Radiolab made a two-part series on the article by Tampa Bay Times, “Why Cops Shoot,” to break down the statistics, discuss deeper motivations, and share stories from behind the scenes of these deadly encounters.

3. Object Away
Radiolab (52 min) In the 1982 case of Batson v. Kentucky, the prosecution eliminated all the black jurors from the jury pool. When Batson objected, it spurred a complex discussion about jury selection that eventually made its way to the Supreme Court. Radiolab explored the Batson ruling, how it came about and how it may not be as helpful as we’d hope.

4. Reality
Invisibilia (44 min) This episode of Invisibilia is targeted at changing the way we understand our “reality perception” so that we may change the way we understand conflicting real life situations.

5. The Culture Inside
Invisibilia (56 min) This particular episode shares the stories of three people working to overcome deep subconscious thoughts within themselves by recognizing and rewiring their thought-patterns.

“No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible” is a good reminder that we all play a role. By actively practicing recognizing your bias, and changing behavior, you’re taking steps towards ensuring we aren’t participating in avalanche mentality. What other podcast episodes would you recommend? Share them in the comments below.

