Bryan Findell: Animator and Illustrator

Design Inc. Department of Talent Spotlight

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Design Inc.


Bryan is an Animator and Illustrator in Omaha, Nebraska and is one of the amazing designers you can find on Design Inc. We talked about the role of motion graphics in design and marketing and a bit about his process for creating his delightful animated videos. He shares great advice and tips for anyone aspiring to get into animation.

You’re a motion designer, Gif maker, Illustrator, Logo maker and filmmaker. What is your main focus right now?

My main focus lately has been expanding my personal design style to include more exaggeration. I can get trapped being literal with my style which is why I like working with other designers. I’m looking forward to adding some weird to my work this year.

What role have motion graphics started to play in the marketing of modern companies? Where are they most used and why?

This is an example of an “Animated Explainer”

Animated explainers will continue to be an important role for marketing but I’ve noticed a shift in my work to include user experience on websites and apps. From the use of gifs and working with developers to show how the animation of a button should look when clicked. A lot of animated code feels clunky without animation principles. I like working with developers to make it look right.

What are the main tools that make up your workflow right now?

I always start with pencil and paper for concept and storyboards after that I jump into Illustrator and After Effects. I use Wistia for the proofing process. A few great plug-ins for After Effects that are great for a faster workflow are Motion2, Newton2, Rubberhose, Gifgun and Joystick ‘n Sliders.

Any favorite phone apps at the moment?

I’ve been using AdobeCapture, TeuxDeux and Slack a lot for productivity. Ready Steady Play is my favorite game lately. (Animade is a favorite studio of mine. The design of the game is great.)

Can you share your tips for making super smooth Gif animations?

I ask myself a few questions while animating… How’s my timing? Am I including anticipation or a secondary animation? And of course.. Easy ease.

How does someone looking to get into animation and motion design get started?

Animation is a mix of video production and design. My background is in TV/Film so storytelling, direction and staging is my strong suit. I love partnering with designers to animate their work and just give them the direction while they make it look great. I do some design on my own projects but I love partnering with designer to do more styles. If you’re already a designer I’d suggest getting familiar with film making principles.

I know I’m not the only person to say this but there are no shortcuts. Keep animating till it feels right.

Do you ever have periods where you feel a little bit disconnected from your work, or where you burn out? How do you deal with those?

I’ve been fortunate to avoid the burn out stage by working for a design and branding agencies. (Grain & Mortar and SecretPenguin) Every project is different and I can partner with another designer to create a different look and style. It helps keep things fresh and introduces new challenges. If I’m feeling disconnected its time to try a style I haven’t done before.

What’s a major aspect of what you do that you don’t think most people know?

Coming up with the visuals is a big part of my work. Things like scene layout, how the story is told, every action is thought out before design and the finessing of animation. For a long time I just considered myself an animator but the storyboarding process includes a lot of the responsibility of a director. Also, never forget sound design.

Sound is half of the emotion while visuals tell the rest.

Overall, why do you do what you do, and why do you love it?

I have the same passion for animation as I did for skateboarding growing up. I would look at stairs or benches and think “What tricks could I do on that?” Now I see design in the same way and think “How could I animate that?” I also love collaborating so I’ve made it a point to get to know as many designers as I can. You design something cool, I’ll animate it.

Who would you want to see on Design Inc?

I would love to see Markus Magnusson. I’m a big fan of his work.

You can follow and see more of Bryan’s work all over the internet, he goes by the handle @MrFindell :

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On Dribbble
On Instagram
On Twitter

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