Week 12 — Constructing Systems and Crafting Artefacts

Aashrita Indurti
Designing a vision for the future
4 min readApr 25, 2021

Documentation for IXD Studio -II

The previous week was filled with user testing sessions and we got some insightful feedback from participants which informed our next steps. Some common themes that surfaced from our previous round of testing revolved around Community Engagement, Accessibility and Communication and Trust and Equity.

Themes from the Previous User Testing Session

User Testing 2.0

We conducted another round of User Testing with the old participants. We showed them a couple of key screens such as the Stories of Change, the Home feed and the Community Concern Screens. Based on the feedback we received, we put together an affinity map using the Rose, Bud, Thorn method and some of the emergent themes were School Visibility, Privacy & Disclosure and Cultures of Feedback.

Mapping the Feedback using Rose, Bud, Thorn
Themes from the Next User Testing Session

Revised Storyboard

The various rounds of user testing and speed dating sessions helped us understand the views of multiple participants helping us edit our storyboards and concepts to address the issues at their core level.

To reiterate our problem space and assumptions, we explicitly listed our concerns and visions for the future of PPS based on our new gained knowledge.

Finally, we devised a new storyline, telling the tale of Mary in a slightly different manner.

Meet Mary

Mary, the parent of a 10-year-old, is new to Portland and is introduced to the PPS network while enrolling her son in the school. She discovers an interactive wall in the school and decides to try her hand at exploring the wall.

Meet Mary, a New Portlander
Storyboard — Part 1
Storyboard — Part 2

Unveiling the Giving Care System

The Giving Care Concept describes a system that enables caregivers to voice their concerns and work with administrators of the PPS to create tangible solutions. The touchpoints of these systems are an interactive wall which is the point of introduction for caregivers and an application for caregivers to build a network of community interconnectedness.

A Systems-Level View of the Concept

Crafting Wireframes

We took the first pass at creating wireframes for some major screens of the mobile application such as the Onboarding section, the Home feed, the Stories of Change, screens for recording Concerns and screens that solicit Feedback from the users.

The Onboarding Sequence
Concerns and Stories of Change (left), Feedback (right)

Presenting Our Concept and Artefact

The Presentation

Peter, Stef and Arnold appreciated our multiple iterations and rounds of user testing that informed our final concept. Arnold sparked off the thought of scaling the concept to a larger community and eventually at a global level. Some food for thought was to consider the future implication of the application.

Next Steps

As part of the next steps, we plan on exploring the Visual Design and UI conceptualisation of the application. We are also excited about identifying and solving potential barriers, considering the future implications of the app with respect to social and cultural norms and factors, time and caregiver attention.



Aashrita Indurti
Designing a vision for the future

Interaction and Service Designer | Graduate Student at the School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University