Imagine if …

Charbel Zeaiter
Designing and improving life
5 min readOct 29, 2023
Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

Turn that phone off each morning. As it’s turning off, stop and look into the screen for your reflection. Look deep into your face, your eyes, the windows into your soul. Breathe it in. Breathe it out. Breathe it in and let it go …

One day you’ll realise that what you were looking for in that endless jungle of content was right in front of you. You didn’t land here on Earth to live a life consuming someone else’s 15-second story.

Who are you? No really, WHO are you? Without the stories, without the identities, without the gender, without an agenda, without the job, money, things, the colour, race, country, family, friends, lovers. Strip it all back, strip it away, take every thought, every belief, everyone and everything out.

Who are you, uninterrupted?

You share 99% of your DNA with a chimpanzee and the rest of the world. The other 1% of your DNA is so unique that there was never one like you, and there will never be another like you. So what the fuck are you doing trying to focus on the 99%. Be that 1%.

Don’t be an elevator pitch. Be impossible to define. Do the things that bring you so much life that you’re impossible to define. You have the mind of a philosopher, the hands of an inventor, the heart of the sacred, the soul of Creation. Immerse yourself in life – collect art, create, build, scale, dance, sing, walk, work, train, meditate, sleep, read, write, cook, eat, laugh, cry, run … stop.

Own your story, or the story owns you. Create your own story or the world creates one for you. Make your 1% matter. Make the impossible matter. Make matter out of nothing. Make magic out of matter.

Stop fantasising and start dreaming. Dream so fucking big that it scares the 99% of you. Dream the fucking impossible – and go for it anyway.

Failed before? Go back to that failure, pick it up, embrace it, love it, honour it, remember it and put it back where it belongs – in the past.

So you’re worried about failing again. Stop. Turn your phone off and again look at that reflection. Breathe it in, breathe it out. Let it go.

Remind yourself that your 1% is more valuable than your 99%. Remind yourself that failure is part of creation. Failure eliminated what didn’t work. Pick yourself up and start again. Dust yourself off and find what works.

Never failed before? Got some demons that are holding you back? The only boogie man coming to get you is the one that already lives inside you. control it, or it controls you.

One more time. Who are you? Who are you, without interruption?

Trying to find the place where you fit? The breaking news is that nobody is coming to save you. The good news is that that same nobody doesn’t gives a fuck about you and the same nobody is trying to work their own shit out.

Your 1% is worth more that the world will ever let you believe. You and you alone are the only one who can alt-shift-control reality. The Universe will keep throwing challenges at you. These trials are not designed to punish you. They’re designed to forge you to force you to look at yourself and learn who you are.

You’ll never fit in, if you focus on your 1% – and that’s where you will find your pure gold. Find the tribe that matches your vibe … and love them the way they love you back. Love not because of your 99%, but because of your 1%.

So, who are you? What are you going to Be? Breathe in and breathe out. How many of those breath pairs do you have?

Across the entire time and space continuum, the opportunity of today has never existed before. Out of the 8 billion souls landing from the ether and jumping into their meat suits, we have 8 billion realities multiplied by 8 billion opportunities multiplied by 8 billion problems to solve.

We have the tools, the access, the time, the technology, the problems and with these, the ability to create what has never been created. We have 8 billion people, 8 billion realities, 8 billion challenges and you can solve one of them – and impact the many.

Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Do it again. That 1% of you that is pure you … Who are you? Uninterrupted?

Your first breath in is destined to meet your last breath out.

It’s the breath pair that cannot be separated.

Stop. Hold your breath. You know when you were born; do you know when you’re going to take that last breath in, hold it and let it out for the very last time?

In between your first breath and your last, you were born to be. Be you. Pure you. So in between those two breaths, who are you and who are you going to Be?

When do you start living and stop fighting for the scraps that the world wants you to believe you deserve? When are you going to wake up and embrace the infinite opportunities to solve infinite problems and to create infinite possibilities? When are you going to wake up and remember that you are infinite.

You weren’t born to be a flashlight; you were born to ignite the stratosphere with your very Being, to create light waves that can be felt across time and space. Your 1% is designed to alter reality. You are designed to alter reality.

What are you gonna do? What would the world look like if you were to shape it? What can you be when you focus on the 1% of you that is so unique that there was never anyone like you, and that there will never be anyone like you ever again?

What if you fail? Breathe in. Hold it. But what it you succeed? Another breath in. What’s the worst that could happen? Breathe out. But what’s the best that could happen?

What would the world look like if you took one deep breath, held it, saw the real you, the pure you, the golden you and at once knew that you could choose any reality?

Imagine if … and create.



Charbel Zeaiter
Designing and improving life

Creator of brands & experiences to improve all life. Founder of Faster Zebra, Velvet Onion, Alt Saints and more. Learn, Play, Watch, Grow.