Kodawari (強がり) & Ikigai (いきがい): Finding Purpose

Charbel Zeaiter
Designing and improving life
4 min readOct 29, 2023
Photo by Arifur Rahman on Unsplash

Kodawari (強がり)

Kodawari is a Japanese concept meaning flexibility, impermanence, and the willingness to adapt to changing circumstances. It acknowledges that life is constantly in flux and what fulfilled us in the past may need to change as we and the world evolve. Practicing kodawari allows us to modify our approach while retaining core values and purpose. It provides resilience when faced with life’s inevitable obstacles.

Ikigai (いきがい)

Ikigai is a Japanese concept meaning “reason for being” or “purpose in life.” It refers to having a direction or passion that drives one’s life. Ikigai is discovered by looking inward at your authentic self and connecting to what energises your spirit. Finding your ikigai reveals your unique talents and how you can serve the world through meaningful action. It provides a source of fulfilment, motivating you to contribute your gifts. Ikigai is subtle and often evolves over time as life circumstances change.

Let’s begin, shall we?

Tick tock. The hourglass empties once more. What will you make with this next grain of time?

Life is an endless cycle of change and reinvention. To make the most of each moment, we need to incorporate the concepts of kodawari (強がり) — flexibility and adapting to new realities — with ikigai (いきがい) — connecting to our core passion and reason for being. This provides direction through difficulty.

Kodawari is about embracing impermanence gracefully. It acknowledges that what fulfilled us yesterday may change tomorrow as we and the world evolve. By accepting this fluidity, we maintain well-being while exploring new expressions of purpose.

Ikigai is discovered through self-examination and experimenting with roles until we find what energises our soul. It takes looking behind our stories and essence at our infinite creativity. Ikigai connects us to our unique talents and how we can serve humanity.

Finding ikigai reveals our brilliant mosaic. Each experience makes us sacred, though our path holds twists, turns and lessons. Gather the fragments of your life — redeem the dark parts, transform trauma into motivation. See the wisdom in each piece.

Lean into the future knowing your visions are seeds to nurture with care. Pursue excellence in your dharma, becoming the greatest you to uplift others. Ikigai drives us to contribute through mindful action.

To maintain ikigai amidst life’s obstacles, reflect on what resonates despite difficulties. Focus on past motivations as your foundation. Stay open to different avenues aligned with your purpose.

Hard times are when community matters most. Practicing kodawari, adapt your skills to support others now. Small acts of service reconnect us to meaning when lost.

Regularly reevaluate work motivations and alignment with your passions. With kodawari, make flexibility a practice. Find small ways to infuse purpose into your roles or consider new directions.

Alone, ikigai provides internal direction. But its greatest power comes through connection. Our brilliance strengthens community when shared, not isolated.

Civilisation progresses when we practice kodawari — binding wounds and supporting each other through hardship with empathy. By living our ikigai and lifting others, we collectively evolve, lifting each other, learning as we’re teaching, being supported as we’re supporting.

With kodawari, face darkness with faith in our shared light. Lead with compassion, even in disagreement, to unify humanity.

Mindfully craft each moment. Channel dedication to passion and service. Manifest the reality only you can dream into Being. Tick tock, the body is clocking away. Make this your finest grain yet.

Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Hold and ponder; “how many of these breath pairs remain in the hourglass?”

Explore your way into your highest purpose — building community through mindful action and care. Adapt fearlessly when your path shifts. Let ikigai and kodawari guide you to meaning.

So how can you apply these concepts in daily life?

Start by identifying your ikigai. Reflect on peak experiences, challenges overcome, what energises you. Notice recurring themes that point to your inner compass.

Then build rituals that align actions to this purpose. Schedule time for passions, especially those of service. Let ikigai drive decision-making and focus.

When difficulties arise, embrace kodawari. Adapt roles while retaining core motivations. Try new careers or volunteer opportunities while assessing fit.

Reflect often through journaling on what inspires you. Track patterns in what brings joy and flow. Make course corrections to realign with ikigai.

Sustain curiosity for growth. Learning expands impact. Develop skills that maximise your gift’s value to others.

Establish community with shared passions. Mutual support makes perseverance easier. Be inspired by kindred spirits.

Consider your legacy. How do you wish to be remembered for service? Let this vision guide daily choices.

Finding our life’s purpose through ikigai and practicing kodawari gives direction when lost. By dedicating ourselves to compassionate action, we lift each other higher. When aligned to who we’re meant to be, our light shines brightest.

Tick tock. The hourglass empties once more, ready for your next grain. May it be filled with hope, courage and the passion to leave your mark on this world.

What are you waiting for? This is yours to create.




Charbel Zeaiter
Designing and improving life

Creator of brands & experiences to improve all life. Founder of Faster Zebra, Velvet Onion, Alt Saints and more. Learn, Play, Watch, Grow.