On being God

Photo by Javier Miranda on Unsplash

Who are you? One in 8 billion. Who are you, uninterrupted?

8 billion people. 8 billion meat suits. 8 billion identities. 8 billion names. 8 billion brains. 8 billions minds. 8 billion souls. 8 billion hearts beating … 8 billion thoughts. 8 billion feelings. 8 billion laughs. 8 billion cries. 8 billion visions. All together. All at once.

8 billion breaths. In. Out. In. Out. All together. All at once.

You’re one. You’re one in 8 billion realities that God created to look back at God.

You’re God, looking through you, back at God. Why would God do that? So that God can see God in 8 billion kaleidoscopic alternate realities, 8 billion simultaneous experiences. The multiplicity of 8 billion possibilities multiplied. What a trip.

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Charbel Zeaiter
Designing and improving life

Creator of brands & experiences to improve all life. Founder of Faster Zebra, Velvet Onion, Alt Saints and more. Learn, Play, Watch, Grow.