To (un)belong

Charbel Zeaiter
Designing and improving life
3 min readOct 28, 2023
Photo by Adib Harith Fadzilah on Unsplash

You don’t belong.
You can’t belong.
You will never belong.

You’re a freak. A one in 8 billion mutation. A (per)mutation. Somewhat similar, yet not the same. You’re a variation, a nuance, a polar opposite, a fractal.

You’re not what you see in the mirror, nor what you ever seem to be. Behind the mirror sees the unseen, the impossible to see, the fractal of God.


You’re impossible to replicate. A combination that has never existed before and will never exist again. You will never live again in the way you can live right now.

You’re you, and on the other side of the mirror is more of you, looking back into you, at you, through you, to you.

You’re the image of God; a freak, a (per)mutation, a fractal of God energy. A one in 8 billion variation of the Divine.

8 billion versions of you.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

You’re the square peg that the round world doesn’t like. But your edges will never smooth, your sides will never bend. You can be shaped, but you won’t. Each hammer blow only chips away at your essence.

The world seeks to shape you into an image of compliance, drip fed distraction, attention thievery. But you feel the true calling in your soul — you are not meant to fit in.

You feel the magnetic pull to self-expression, to boldly proclaim your unusual colours in the faded landscape. Even when the world says you’re too much, you know you haven’t gone far enough.

Your mind constantly creates, juggernauts against the well-trodden path. Your heart feels deeper than the surface levels where you’re supposed to dwell. Your spirit seeks meaning while the world tempts with comfort.

It’s easier to trim your edges and soften your points. Put aside your questions, quiet your protests, fade into the crowd, fade into what could have been you. But you know you would lose yourself entirely.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” — Carl Jung

Learning, traveling, trying, experimenting, failing, loving, laughing, crying. Tasting the entire spectrum of experience in search of your core.

You’re impossible to define, you’ve never-before-existed, one in 8 billion essence. A freak chance, never to be repeated. You are a fractal, a unique iteration in and of the divine equation. Embody your inimitable geometry, inhabit your distinctive dimensions.

Express your irreducible complexity. Let your life sing the singular song only your soul knows.

You do not belong because you’re not meant to belong. Your purpose is to be, unapologetically and unconditionally YOU.

Let your broken edges glint like prismatic jewels, scattering wonder. Shine your fractured, fragmented, fractal kaleidoscopic light; your wholeness depends on it.

You are a one in 8 billion per(mutation), an impossible-to-replicate fractal of God. Your belonging is not in finding home, but in revelling in your cosmic aloneness.

Your mission is the pursuit of unbelonging, until infinity claims you.

For in your exquisite misfit uniqueness, you reflect the endlessly diverse beauty of the Divine. For in this space of unbelonging, is where you’ll find where you belong.

You always belonged, but you had to unbelong to dip back into your Godness.

For when you see your unique self, you’ll finally see that we are One, you are One, and the One is you.



Charbel Zeaiter
Designing and improving life

Creator of brands & experiences to improve all life. Founder of Faster Zebra, Velvet Onion, Alt Saints and more. Learn, Play, Watch, Grow.