
Yining Zhao
Designing for Asthma
3 min readApr 1, 2017

Mar 28 Meeting

Interview Synthesis


  • Allergies as precursor to asthma
  • Reactive- asthma always was due to something- allergies, hayfever, air quality
  • Felt out of control- felt scary not knowing what was happening
  • You get used to asthma
  • You always have asthma, you can forget about it
  • What else could i do? I could be doing so many other things to control my asthma
  • His mom always knew more than him, would always advice
  • Two inhalers: Emergency — You can feel the medicine fix you up; Preventative — When kid- he used to notice people having an inhaler
  • It’s never a topic
  • The most curious part of asthma is the inhaler
  • He had low endurance- had to cut down on physical activities: other kids with worse asthma had to stop completely
  • He has to go to the bathroom to use inhaler: he feels that the use of an inhaler is stigmatized
  • “Oh you are sick” “oh you are sniffling”- but not in a positive way
  • He has run out of the habit of carrying the inhaler with him, so if an attack he really freaks out


  • When did he start going to the bathroom to use inhaler?


  • Consider triggers
  • How to care for different type of asthma- package- what to use where
  • Patients like me
  • Intermittent angels
  • Showcase of how to use meds

Summary of Scenarios

  • Cui that hears the issues that your kid particularly has and gives advice tailored to your kid. (app)
  • Connect to the right doctor
  • Black box- teacher adds info into the black box about asthma attack, parents can give this information to the doctor:
  • AR or VR
  • EMR that is accessible to everyone.
  • How do you keep track of the info over different stakeholder
  • Package- accessible to kids- kid friendly on the go asthma device


  • Do people visit doctors regularly?
  • What are the inconvenience of connecting a doctor?
  • Channel
  • Service that informs other kids that what they can do — so that kids with asthma are not left out
  • In emergency, let children know where the closest place to help them
  • A way of communication about the update of new asthma triggers
  • Take a photo of the child when they have an asthma attack, use machine learning and computer vision for the parents to know what the triggers are
  • Personalized asthma management plan — plan with less text for children
  • Matching children to what is best for them- service that asks you questions, and based on your questions it gives you a list of resources — gateway to how you handle asthma
  • At the end of the first asthma attack- connect kid with a role model’s short videos
  • Child friendly asthma action plan to let the child be more responsible and informed

Scenario Votes

Current Journey Map

The journey map covers things went through by parent, child, and also teachers, starting from pre-conditions to normalization.

Stakeholder Map / Value Flow Map

