Initial Value Propositions:

Sarah Foley
Designing for Asthma
4 min readMar 24, 2017

We got started generating Ideas with use of Value Propositions.


[Our service] is a ____ that provides ____ &____ to _____&_____.
Unlike ____, which provides ____.

Our Value Propositions:

We listed out all of our ideas for value propositions and tried to understand what we liked about each. We then narrowed it down to the bolded props.

  1. Our service is an education platform that provides destigmatization of asthma by normalizing education of asthma to those who do not have asthma to children between the ages of 8–10 and their peers
    Unlike every other platform, which provides limited
    *Likes that it is connecting people
    *Likes that it deals with people who are not directly affected by asthma
  2. Our service is a program internal to elementary school that provides teachers education & exercises to implement in the classroom setting to explore asthma through &_____.
    Unlike ____, which provides ____.
    *Train parents and teachers in the same way at the same time
  3. Our service is a system that provides asthma education and support to parents and children aged from 8–10.
    Unlike other support groups, we can provide systematic knowledge about asthma and help for prepare children to take care of themselves.
    *Gives the child autonomy
    *Helping vs monitoring- make richer- how do they monitor much more effectively
  4. Our service is a new protocol that provides efficient and effective way for communication between primary and secondary caregivers and ways that secondary caregivers should take care of asthma children without parents presented to parents and secondary caregivers like teachers and coaches.
    Unlike current protocols, which provides only a form for tracking asthma triggers but have no specific ways for communication.
    *Service to connect primary care providers and secondary care providers to share information
    *Preventive vs managing.
  5. Our service is a way of communication that provides efficient contact with doctors and other asthma experts for parents and secondary caregivers.
    Unlike the current situation, which parents need to schedule with doctors which usually take a long period of time.
    *Connect for a specific problem- time
    *On demand information and monitoring
  6. Our service is a game that provides more interaction between healthy and asthma children and knowledge about asthma to both healthy and asthma children.
    Unlike current situation, which healthy children may not know enough about asthma and asthma children may feel reluctant to play with their peers.
    *Bridging the gap between patients and non patients
    *Using kids to help kids
    *Future reference of practical knowledge
  7. Our service is a learning process that provides opportunities for asthma children to learn about and get comfortable with inhaler and other medicine and equipments to children just got diagnosed and their parents.
    Unlike…. (Don’t know how things are done right now)
    *Interactions with products- assumption is that the products are hard to use
    *Social factors of using a medical device
  8. Our service is a system that provides ways to keep track of children’s asthma triggers and frequently update the info for parents and secondary caregivers.
    Unlike current form or parents doing this in customized style, which is hard to track in time and share with other caregivers.
    *Data sources?
    *Manually update information, track data
  9. Our service is an organized way to provide information for children with asthma and their primary and secondary caretakers, especially in the event of first time asthma attacks.
  10. Our service is something that helps connect Primary care providers and secondary care providers of children with asthma to better help children who have frequent asthma attacks.
  11. Our service is a mentor service that connects recent asthma diagnosed children to adults who had asthma when they were kids to help them understand this new condition and guide them with it.
    *Someone who has gone through it.
    *More reliable?
    *Social component
    *Interaction between people
  12. Our service allows kids to be involved in different sports that they previously didn’t think they could play because of asthma.
    *If they want to be active they have to be compliant
    *Doesn’t limit the kid- doesn’t keep them in a box
    *Keep child openminded
  13. Our service is a service that pairs kids to superheros who have asthma and help customize their activities in a comic book format.
    *Comic books
    *Draws attention from kids
    *Makes asthma something that is cool
  14. Our service uses data to bring together children who suffer from the same severity of asthma and help them talk to each other and mitigate those concerns
    *Social support
    *Exchange information/ strategies
  15. Our service provides an in-home service to concerned parents and kids.
  16. Our service helps kids customize asthma devices to make it cool for kids and make it something that kids would be proud of showing to their friends.
  17. Our service helps children and their care providers to identify the best way to deal with their asthma.
    *Meds vs no meds
    *Huge diff from person to person
    *What works for me may not work for you.
  18. Our service connects primary and secondary care providers to allow them to share information with each other.
  19. Our service is a tool that helps teachers and educators help children who discover that they have asthma to understand and manage their emotions unlike traditional solutions that may make them feel scared


***Interested in Diversity- types of Asthma and what works for them

