Secondary Research (as of 4/1)

Sarah Foley
Designing for Asthma
2 min readMar 31, 2017

We scoured the internet. Most of our research was to understand what exactly asthma was as only one of us had asthma as a kid. Once we understood more, we tried to focus on the social/emotional effects asthma had, and what type of support is necessary for children with asthma.


  • There are different types of asthma
  • Parents need as much support as the children in controlling asthma
  • There should be shared decision making between parent and child
  • Education is key in whether or not asthma is maintained.
  • Current ways of tracking symptoms is cumbersome.
  • Young children (~5yo) can’t communicate with parents, and don’t know that they should communicate.
  • Work is missed by Parents who need to take care of kids
  • Asthma is stigmatized, Hollywood plays a large role in this. It might be beneficial to kids to have athletes as role models to look up to.

Materials found online:

Asthma Action plans are analog. Some are geared towards children, others are not and remain undesigned. In remaining undesigned, it could show that not much thought is put into what is important information when.

Care is standardized. It was interesting that Asthma is treated before one receives a formal diagnosis of asthma. To Diagnose Asthma, one must go in repeatedly.


Potential interests coming out of Secondary Research Phase:

  • Support groups
  • Education through books and movies
  • Aspiration to educate and lift stigma
  • Keep kids connected, what is the best way to talk to parents vs. kids. vs. doctors
  • Ways to provide care through other kids
  • Communication to others

