Workflow — During the meeting

Tina Jiwoo Park
Designing for Asthma
3 min readMay 15, 2017

After the parents sign up for the platform, the mobile application will guide the parents to a meeting where the teacher, nurse, and the parent would talk.

Prompt Cards

During the meeting, Timmy’s parent is given a deck of cards with prompting sentences. These cards help the parents facilitate conversation with the teacher and the nurse and make sure that they aren’t missing any important information.

The sentences are based on the information needed from each other.

The cards also include two emergency contact information cards. One (the pink one in the picture) is for the parents fill out their contact information to hand it in to the teacher. Another card(the navy one in the picture) has emergency contact information of the EMS and faculty members, is for the parent to take it home along with the other cards. The cards are made so that they fit into their card holders and wallets.

User Testing

In order to test out if these cards work to facilitate conversation, we handed this card deck to a peer student. We gave absolutely no instruction to see how she understands the cards and what kind of problems she bumps into.

As soon as she was given the cards and as she read the first card that said ‘I want to talk about…’, she started talking about her personal problems, and continued her story by flipping through the card deck.

Connect Website (Nurse Perspective)

When the nurse opens up the Connect dashboard on her laptop, she sees what the parents have said that they want to talk about, so that the nurse can prepare the things they need in advance, and the teacher, parent and the nurse can focus on those topics during the meeting.

Meanwhile, the nurse takes notes on the Connect website while the conversation goes on during the whole meeting. This is the page that the nurse would be going through and typing out important information shared on each corresponding card.

The website guides the nurse and the parent to go through every step carefully and to make sure no one misses an important information or steps. It will be updated every time the meeting happens, and will be shared with the teacher.

