Digital Process

Thinking about the different digital pieces we could create for this systems project, we decided to create an app. It was important, though that this app was not simply a to-do list, but something that encourages people to create healthy time management habits. We were thoughtful about the different functions to incorporate as they related to our research through surveys and readings. A key question we asked ourself was: How can we make our app experience distinct in a way that is specifically catered to students and helps its users create a better lifestyle.

We have begun by first thinking about the functionalities and purpose behind our app.

With these explorations in mind we are now working on creating wireframes that reflect these functions.

We used the wireframes as a guide, however we were not bound to the structure they present. New ideas popped up and we adjusted accordingly. We are now moving into thinking about how our visual language will tie into our mobile app as well.

We are planning on continuing to use the orange to highlight important text/graphics. We are also interested in how circles can be incorporated into the, not only look, but also experience of the app.

It is harder than I had imagined to incorporate every functionality we had in mind from trying to create a unique app experience that does more than track a list to trying to incorporate healthy living messages and capabilities, it has been hard to think about how it all fits together in one app.

More important than the look of the app, we want the system within the app to make sense. That is why we are going to test our ideas with other peers and see how they journey through the app.

We thought a lot about how the user would feel compelled to pursue time management in a mobile environment. There are many time management apps out there, so what makes us different? People have different priorities, events in life, work, etc. It would be difficult to define a “surefire” method of time management. Thinking back on what we wanted the user to take away from our project, we were heavily invested in helping the user create good habits. Because of that, the task creation and management in the app is centered around a reward system. Using the idea of a positive feedback loop, we wanted to reward the user for doing actions related to time management. After a certain amount of time of doing this, we hope the user will be able to develop habits that help them with time management.

Finalized prototype of the app.

We tried to stay true to the color palette and visual language of our project. As you can see, the finalized prototype has many round or circular features while making use of the blue-green and orange colors that define the project.

