“Toy Owl and Cup”, Mattais, Taken 4 June 2012. Retrieved from Flickr Creative Commons

Objects Experiment

Pete Worthy
Designing the IoT for Humans
1 min readJun 13, 2015


As a preliminary to a cultural probe, I’m running a little experiment.

It’s a bit of an exploration of objects in our home and work environments.

If you’re reading this, most likely it’s because you are participating in the preliminary experiment. (At the moment it’s limited to those who are part of the Interaction Design Research Group at UQ.)

Participant Instructions

Each day I will send a tweet to you via a Twitter group DM. That will consist of a “prompt”. I would like you to respond to the prompt by replying to that tweet by:

  1. Including a photo of an object that, in your view, is related to the prompt
  2. Using the 140 characters in the tweet to tell us something about the object.

As you’re replying to a group DM, all of the group will be able to see your response. Feel free to comment on anyone else’s responses (being respectful, of course).

At the moment I intend to run this for two weeks, but this will depend on how things go. If you would like to opt out, just DM me and I’ll remove you from the group.

Thanks for participating!



Pete Worthy
Designing the IoT for Humans

Student of Interaction Design, Servant to two puppies, Fetcher of volleyballs