DESINST 225: Personal Reflection

I came into this class, Designing Toward an AntiRacist Stanford, with some experience using and applying design thinking to problem areas or ecosystems. This class definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone — from our ice-breakers, role playing activities, and various breakout sessions. The teaching team did an excellent job of creating a safe, trusting environment, which helped me come out of my shell and feel empowered to share my authentic experiences. Moreover, I think this supportive environment really helped my group succeed with our project. We initially had a very broad topic, but after various discussions and countless points of feedback, we were able to narrow down our ecosystem and continue the design thinking process. I am proud of what my team accomplished over the past 10 weeks. We did not create a full proof solution to Stanford’s undergraduate admissions system; however, we took one crucial first step towards creating a more equitable system. Sometimes all you need is that one step. My hope is that others that take this class or are passionate about reimagining the college admissions process can be inspired by our work thus far and use it to bring about change in the future.

