Ease Financial: A New Way to Invest

By Qian Chen, Arvind Subramanian, Ethan Parrish

Demo Video

We are Ease Financial, the latest platform aimed at making investing easier than ever before. With retail investments at an all-time high, the number of risky, unsubstantiated investments into single “meme” stocks has sky-rocketed. Our mission is to make investing simple and transparent, for everyday people like you and me.

Retail investment has skyrocketed in the last few years

The resources that were once exclusive to the ultra-wealthy on Wall Street are starting to become available to everyone. We want to accelerate this transformation by bridging the gap between retail investors and fund managers on Wall Street. Ease Financial is confident that this partnership will create a more equitable and transparent playing field for all investors.

Home Page

Everyday investors can get started for as little as $100, with an annual management fee of 1%. We know that everyone can find the right fit for their risk tolerance, total assets under management, and interests.

Short, informational videos to educate users on news and strategies

Ease Financial aims to recruit top fund managers from Wall Street looking to shift away from the traditional hedge fund approach. With a combination of blog posts, Q&As, live-streaming, and short videos, our fund manager team will make the process of investing fun and accessible.

Fund Manager Profiles

Welcome to the new age of investing!

