E-Labs Launch Announcement

Kailah Seymour
Designing Your Business
3 min readMay 20, 2022

In the past few years, the United States went through a lot of change. The pandemic has impacted us to the point that our everyday routines have a new normal. The ugly truth of systemic racism made waves and left many people grappling with a new perspective to affect their personal and professional lives — whether that meant becoming more politically active or not, many people in power began to pass around a new buzz-word: “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.” Nowadays, we see a world divided, perhaps more than ever, on what it means to be on the right side of history. On one side, laws are being passed and politicians are making judgment calls on what society needs. On the other side, communities are fighting for what their experiences have shown them to need.

These communities are struggling. Women of color are still experiencing salary inequities and bias in every aspect of their work. The infamous glass ceiling manifests in statistics like only 4.6% of board seats at Fortune 500 companies being held by women of color in 2020, compared to ~18% of seats held by white women and two-thirds held by white men.

E-Labs was birthed to bring people together and unite everyone on the common ground that is DEI to fight statistics like these. We wanted to find a way to support minorities who are held back from achieving the success they deserve in all working sectors and empower them to the leadership positions we know they can fulfill. That is why E-labs became what it is today, a non-profit organization that created and awards E corporation certification for for-profit organizations — focusing on sponsoring measurable equity and representation in the workplace.

We commit to the following four services:

  1. Certification — Annual certification, denoting the company has met our metrics for representation & equity through positions, pay, & job responsibility
  2. Advertisement — Highlighting certified companies on our website, company spotlights and publicity & network opportunities with other affiliated companies
  3. Post-Assessment Report — Through the assessment, we will underscore opportunities for growth within your business as well as help companies identify needless & wasteful spending
  4. Community Data — Companies will gain access to E-lab’s community data, which provides you with opportunities to learn the most cost-effective means to be sustainable & equitable

Recognize anything familiar? We scoped out the current solutions that exist and decided that while we are similar to B-labs, we are better/more focused on promoting gender and racial diversity. Our company is a dedication to those forgotten, ignored, or pushed down. It is a movement. And in time, we believe that it can become the norm. Organizations will be pressured by consumers to be certified because they want to purchase from one that respects minorities. If not meeting our standards, they will be given the resources they need to meet them upon evaluation. Leaders in their fields will uplift principles and practices that effectively and efficiently enacts DEI values and makes the workplace a better environment for minorities to succeed. People will be able to apply to jobs with the comfort that the organization they’re applying for will treat them well.

We will make the world a better place together. One certification at a time.

