Introducing Fluence: Deserved Recognition and Compensation for BIPOC Influencers

Griffin Somaratne
Designing Your Business
3 min readJun 1, 2022

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of Fluence — an impact-driven influencer marketing software dedicated to supporting Black and Indigenous influencers. We are a for-profit benefit corporation that will bring deserved recognition to creators of color who are continually overlooked and underpaid in the world of influencer marketing.

The Opportunity

TikTok has a history of undercutting creators of color. Dance trends created by Black creators in the early days of the platform brought talk show invites and acclaim to white creators that performed them without credit — this phenomenon became so bad that Black creators went on strike in 2021 and demanded recognition. Creators of color even struggle to increase their follower counts no matter how viral their videos become, many having millions of likes but less than 100k followers. While content created by BIPOC creators reaches large audiences, the creators aren’t experiencing the same rewards that their white counterparts do. When BIPOC creators do receive brand partnerships and content deals, they are paid less. Without negotiation experience and transparency in the influencer community about compensation, BIPOC creators lose out. They’re not getting what they deserve. That’s why we created Fluence.

The Product

Our platform supports both BIPOC creators in every aspect of influencer marketing. With the data collected from partnerships secured on Fluence’s platform, our creators can be confident in their worth, knowing how similar partnerships and advertisements are compensated given their account’s follower count and engagement rate. Creators gain more exposure with Fluence by listing relevant information like content categories in their profiles, which brands can use to find influencers that fit their needs. The influencer dashboard helps them keep track of their partnerships, content deliverables, and compensation. We provide free coaching in negotiation and branded content to give creators the tools they need to succeed in influencer marketing, and our services for both large and small creators with no minimum or maximum number of followers. We recognize the potential that every influencer has.

With Fluence, brands can increase diversity and representation in their marketing strategy and streamline the process of connecting with influencers. No more DMing hundreds of influencers one by one, losing tabs on messages, and negotiating over email. Fluence allows brands to efficiently discover influencers, initiate conversations, conduct negotiations, and process payments on an all-in-one platform. Brands also have access to ROI analysis to measure the impact of their marketing efforts. With a three-tiered subscription model, brands can choose a plan that makes the most sense to them and their marketing strategy.

Whether you’re a brand or a BIPOC influencer, the decision to join Fluence is a no-brainer. We are here to help maximize the growth of your businesses and your connections in the rapidly expanding market of social media and influencer marketing (one that is expected to reach 16.4 billion dollars this year). And our north star: to uplift BIPOC influencers. Join our platform to help make your vision and social impact a reality.

