
Maria Metzger
Designing Your Business
2 min readJun 1, 2022

View sust's Inspiration Video!

It’s no secret that the rise of fast fashion is getting out of control. With the growing prevalence of e-commerce and social media advertising, people are buying more than ever before. This overconsumption comes at a huge cost to the environment.

As a team of Stanford students who love both fashion and our planet, we wanted to find a way to encourage sustainable consumption habits. However, changing consumers’ habits is not an easy task.

How might we gamify user consumption behavior in order to incentivize sustainability?

That’s where sust was born. Sust leverages the novelty and gamification of NFTs to incentivize consumers to shop sustainably. At its core, sust is a chrome extension, free for anyone to download. The chrome extension tracks users’ online shopping habits and reports their “consumption score” dynamic data through this potted plant NFT image:

As we scale, sust will partner with sustainable brands by creating custom plants and pots that users can purchase to upgrade their NFT.

Many consumer brands are already leveraging Web3 technology to grow. Our hope is that these brands will look to sust as a place to launch NFT collections, recognizing that sust will only partner with those who meet certain sustainability metrics.

But brands aren’t the only ones that sust incentivizes to be more sustainable. With the growing popularity of NFTs, our hope is that consumers will want to show off their NFT plant to others as a flex of their sustainable consumption habits. Twitter has already started to encourage users to set their NFTs as profile pictures, as seen here:

We assume that other social media platforms will be quick to do the same. NFTs, then, can be considered a symbol of one’s identity. Ultimately, we hope sust and our NFTs incentivize everyone to buy less and buy better.

We would absolutely love it if you follow our journey in building sust!

