Nonprofit Boards Need UX Designers

Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2018


By Andrew Kaufteil

I came to Designit, a global strategic firm, after ten-plus years working in the philanthropy sector. Because of my background in fundraising and interest in social justice, I have served on a number of nonprofit boards, including the Bay Area Video Coalition, Hispanic Health Council, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, and currently Kristi Yamaguchi’s Always Dream Foundation. I’ve also managed alumni association boards of directors at top universities, including UC San Francisco, UC Berkeley, and The George Washington University.

When there are vacancies, boards often default to recruiting individuals from a handful of professions: lawyers, fundraisers, marketers, accounting and finance types, and philanthropists. These are important backgrounds to have on a nonprofit board. However, one critically important perspective is missing from most boards: design professionals.

I was drawn to UX design, and specifically Designit, because I believe thoughtful, human-centric design leads to positive and disruptive change for organizations and industries. My first few months at Designit have exceeded expectations. Our broad-minded, anthropological approach to problem-solving is revolutionary and high impact. Our clients are wildly appreciative. My colleagues are mission-driven, passionate, brilliant, and committed to improving the human condition.

As I’ve learned about design, I’ve discovered that “hackathons” or “jams,” where designers collaborate on software problems, are a great way to address organizational problems in the social justice community.

But one of the most valuable ways that designers can have an impact on social causes is by getting involved with a nonprofit board. Reflecting on my experience on numerous boards, I believe that the annual strategic retreat is one of the most ripe opportunities for inspiration. And at the same time, we often don’t capitalize fully on the potential of this mind meld. In the most effective incarnation of these meetings, we hire a professional external facilitator to stimulate new ideas and ways of thinking, and we leave the meeting inspired to implement innovative new programs and approaches. However, more often than not, after the retreat, the board loses momentum, reverts to comfortable patterns, and fails to revisit these exciting ideas until the next year’s retreat.

Imagine if your board was infused with a user-centric, solutions-based approach to addressing its mission ALL. YEAR. LONG! I’d like to propose an easy (gasp!) way to make this a reality: proactively recruit an outstanding UX designer to join your nonprofit board.

Designers are made for nonprofit boards. Here’s why:

  • Designers are, by nature, deeply goal-directed, compassionate, analytical, hard-working, and people-oriented. These are all qualities every board needs.
  • Designers’ perspectives will help you think outside the box to revolutionize nonprofit programs and services.
  • A design approach will sharpen your organization’s focus on the needs of its target constituencies, e.g. clients, volunteers, donors, and employees.
  • Designers can help your organization incorporate best practices in technology and service design.
  • Designers are great communicators and understand the tech sector inside and out. They can teach you about, and translate, your organization’s relevance to the ever-elusive “tech” philanthropy community.

Matchmaker’s Plea:

To Designers: Your skills and perspective are unique and indispensable. I encourage you to take your empathy and passion for helping people to the next level; consider investing more long-term in causes you are passionate about. Investigate nonprofits with missions that resonate with you, volunteer, and consider joining a board. Through this experience, you will meet wonderful friends, make valuable business connections, and effect great change.

To Nonprofit Boards: Designers (i.e. user-centric problem-solvers who humanize products and services) are remarkable professionals. Next time you are strategizing around who should fill your board vacancy, I encourage you to recruit for an essential skillset you are probably missing: UX design.

I assure you that nonprofit boards and UX designers will make a perfect union. Please be in touch, and let me know how it turns out.




Designit is a global strategic design firm, part of the leading technology company, Wipro.