【Niantic Lightship ARDK 3.0 #1】What is new?

From the standpoint of a developer / Creator

Designium StoryHub
6 min readDec 6, 2023




Hi! I am Sakuma Katsuya (@ppengotsu) from Designium.

The latest version of Niantic Lightship ARDK 3.0 has been officially released. This is the first article in the series (total of 3) highlighting new features and changes. Let’s quickly take a look at these updates from the standpoint of a developer (or creator).

👁️‍🗨️ A Heads Up ‼️

ARDK 2.5 has been deprecated and support will end on April 1, 2024.
If you want to use ARDK from now on, it is recommended to use ARDK 3.0.
It will be easier for you to understand the overview of ARDK by reading
our past articles.

Key Points

Changes in supported Unity versions

ARDK 2.0 and previous versions officially support Unity 2020 LTS and 2021 LTS. ARDK 3.0 seems to support Unity 2021 LTS and 2022 LTS. Please check the setup guide below to set up the ARDK.

👁️‍🗨️ A Heads Up ‼️

There seem to be some setting changes using Unity2021 and 2022.
- Unity2022: Requires Visual Scripting version 1.9.1 or higher.
- Android development with Unity 2021: Requires updating to a higher
Gradle version.
👁️‍🗨️ A Heads Up ‼️

For new development starting now, we recommend Unity 2022 LTS.

Changes in classes

The version of Unity has been updated, and the specifications of ARFoundation have also changed. At the same time, it seems that ARDK classes have also changed a lot. For details, please check the official website “Migration Guide-ARDK 2.X to 3.0” below.

A brief summary is as follows.

  • The original ARDK classes, such as ARRenderingManager, are now handled by ARFoundation.
  • The new functionality of ARDK is changed to edit parameters in independent classes, as shown below.
  • For occlusion and semantic segmentation related use the LightshipOcclusionExtension class.
  • For meshing related use the LightshipMeshingExtension class.

Overall, using ARFoundation allows for intuitive and easy development of basic functions. On the other hand, in cases where more detailed customization is required, you can add ARDK’s classes as additional components to perform advanced adjustments.

👁️‍🗨️ A Heads Up ‼️

Some class names have been changed from ARDK 3.0 Beta.
Please check the "Release Notes v3.0" below.

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Features of Shared AR using VPS

In order to allow multiple people to interact instantly in the same AR space, you need to enter the join code of the multiplayer session, such as the session ID. In ARDK3, it seems that it is now possible to use VPS as a join code to experience a multiplayer session without having to enter a join code like in the past.

👁️‍🗨️ A Heads Up ‼️

In the official example, you need to select a public VPS-activated Wayspot
near your current location that is available to Shared AR.

Here is how to use private VPS locations.

1. Download the mesh of the private VPS location on the Lightship developer dashboard and open the json file.

2. Copy the string in the AnchorPayload in the json file.

3. Pass the copied value to “ISharedSpaceTrackingOptions.CreateVpsTrackingOptions” in the OnLocationSelected method of the VpsColocalizationDemo class in the sample code.

4. When you run the app, it will localize the private VPS location no matter which location you choose.

Image Tracking Colocalization

Past AR technologies displayed 3D models overlaid on a specific marker image. In ARDK 3.0, the ability to share AR space between multiple users looking at the same marker has been improved, making it easier to use. Please check the official document below.

Supports wider meshing range

In ARDK 3.0, the meshing range has been increased to tens of meters or more. Based on the official sample, I set it to generate a wide range of mesh and compared it.

Settings in the video above.

  • Same settings
  • → Operation confirmation on iPhone 12 Pro
  • ARDK 2.X settings
  • → Unity 2021.3.30f1
  • → URP
ARDK 2.X settings
  • ARDK 3.0 settings
  • → Unity 2022.3.11f1
  • → URP
ARDK 3.0 settings

ARDK 3.0 allows you to create a wider range of applications than ever before. Mesh can be generated on walls further away from the starting point. This seems to be useful in preventing issues such as characters far away from the starting point passing through real walls.

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Adds 10 new semantic segmentation types

The ability to identify real-world objects is enhanced and more types of objects can be identified.

Experimental Semantic Channel List

※ Quoted from ARDK official website below.

I tried 3 of them. The red part in the screenshot is the part of the real image that is considered a possible target recognition object.

  • tv_experimental
  • tree_experimental
  • loungeable_experimental

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Compatible with Netcode

ARDK now integrates Netcode for GameObjects (NGO), a high-level networking library built for Unity. If you’re already using Netcode as an application development tool, you may be able to reuse some of your game logic, etc.


Niantic offical Lightship ARDK 3.0 gives me the impression that all functions have been enhanced and usability has also been improved. Let’s start leveraging the AR Foundation classes whenever possible, since ARDK has this functionality. I think it’s great that the hurdle has been lowered.

The next article will summarize recommendations when migrating from ARDK 2.X. Stay tuned and be sure to read it!


I am Mary Chin (Chi-Ping Chin), the writer and designer of the PR team at Designium. I am glad to learn about the new features of Niantic Lightship ARDK 3.0 through this article. If you are new to Lightship, it is not too late to start with ARDK 3.0. If you are already a Lightship developer or creator, I hope we can complete the ARDK 3.0 migration painlessly together. If you have any ideas for cooperation, please feel free to contact us. 😉




Designium StoryHub

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